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We continue to think that a boy is well trained in history if he has a minute knowledge of the sequence of events that is, of course, a necessary part of the equipment of a professor or a teacher; but here again lies one of the fatal fallacies of our system that we train from the professorial point of view. Omniscience is not even desirable in the ordinary mind.

'Labour's pale priests, their lips seem incapable of laughter, except in the way of polite recognition of professorial wit. The stains of ink are chronic on their meagre fingers. They walk like Saul among the asses. The dandies are not less subdued. In 1824 there was a noisy dapper dandyism abroad.

You might not call them scientific. Science is very exact, isn't it? Father would rather be interesting than exact any day." Her hearer found no difficulty in believing this. "His folk-lore stories are the best and the least exact," continued she, heedless of the shock inflicted upon the professorial mind. "He knows exactly the kind of things Indians tell, and tells it very much better."

We should be inclined to put Julian Schmidt at the head of living critics in all the more essential elements of his outfit; but with him is not one conscious at too frequent intervals of the professorial grind, of that German tendency to bear on too heavily, where a French critic would touch and go with such exquisite measure?

When he returned from his consecration at Rheims, the rector of the University of Paris, at the head of his professorial staff, addressed the young King in these words: "We are so dazzled by the new splendor which surrounds your majesty that we are not ashamed to appear dumfounded at the aspect of a light so brilliant and so extraordinary"; and at the foot of an engraving at the same date he is in so many words called a demigod.

There has been no end of Madame's kindness to him, nay to his Brother and him, sons of a Theological Professorial Syriac-Hebrew kind of man at Berne, who has too many sons; and I grieve to report that this heedless Konig has produced an explosion in Madame's feelings, such as little beseemed him.

To tell the truth, Claudius looked more like a duke than his host, for the sea air had blown away the professorial cobwebs; and, after all, it did not seem so very incongruous in the Englishman's eyes that his handsome guest should fall in love with the Countess Margaret. Only, it was very uncomfortable; and he did not know exactly what he should do with them for the next ten days.

The court-house green was the political university of the Southern masses, and the hustings the professorial chair, from which the great political and economical questions of the day were presented, to say the least, as fully and intelligently as in the newspapers to which so much enlightenment is attributed.

So passionately was he devoted to music that at times he sent his piano away from his house in order to shun temptation to abridge his professorial work, and especially was this the case when he was preparing his edition of Vergil. A more lovely spirit never abode in mortal frame. No man was ever more generally beloved in a community; none, more lamented at his death.

But, if the viewpoint of practical life is different even from the professorial, it is still more different from that of students; and this may again justify the bringing of a message from the outside world. The difference might be put in many ways; but perhaps it may be best expressed by saying that, while you are among the critics, we are among the criticized.