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Later even when disasters had fallen upon that great civilisation it maintained itself, and from the fifth to the seventh centuries we hear of its churches, S. Apollinare, S. Severo, S. Probo, S. Raffaele, S. Agnese, S. Giovanni "ad Titum," S. Sergio juxta viridarium, and the great Basilica Petriana.

"In the first place, fadher, you're ungrammatical in one word; instead of sayin' 'prove, always say probate, or probe; the word is descended, that is, the ancisthor of it, is probo, a deep Greek word probo, probas, prob-ass, that is to say, I'm to probe Phadrick here to be an ass. Now, do you see how pat I brought that in? That's the way, Phadrick, I chastise my fadher with the languages."

"Nego consequentiam, Padre," he replied resolutely. "Aha, then probo consequentiam! Per te, the polished surface constitutes the 'essence' of the mirror " "Nego suppositum!" interrupted Juanito, as he felt Placido pulling at his coat. "How? Per te " "Nego!" "Ergo, you believe that what is behind affects what is in front?"

It is shown, however, in the remarks which follow, that Cicero did not intend this as a serious argument, but as a criticism on what he deemed an inappropriate expression. “Rem ipsam prorsus probo: elegantiam desidero. Appellet hæc desideria naturæ; cupiditatis nomen servet alio,” etc.

A render who occupies himself about greater matters, may smile at this precept. It may, indeed, be very absurd, yet such is the tyranny of custom, that if you were to cross your knife and fork when you have finished, the most reasonable and strong-minded man at the table could not help setting you down, in his own mind, as a low-bred person. Magis sequor quam probo.

Ut enim adulescentem in quo est senile aliquid, sic senem in quo est aliquid adulescentis probo, quod qui sequitur, corpore senex esse poterit, animo numquam erit.