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"It is done, if such a Hand could have DONE it, in the manner of Bachaumont and La Chapelle," says Voltaire scornfully, in that scandalous VIE PRIVEE; of which phrase this is the commentary, if readers need one: Good!

This Demon's Paper abounds with similar allusions; as do the more desperate sort of Voltaire utterances, VIE PRIVEE treating it as known fact; Letters to Denis in occasional paroxysms, as rumor of detestable nature, probably true of one who is so detestable, at least so formidable, to a guilty sinner his Guest. Others, not to be called diabolical, as Herr Dr.

It seems that the former occupant of my rooms at the settlement read French; for in searching for a book to bring with me I never walk without a book I found and pocketed a volume of Balzac. It proved to be a portion of the Vie Privee series, and I stumbled upon a story called La Fausse Maitresse.

His correspondent begged him to renounce ironical portrayals of woman, which denied the pure and noble role destined for her by Heaven, and to return to the lofty ideal of the sex depicted in "Scenes de la Vie Privee." This letter, which was addressed to Balzac to the care of Gosselin, the publisher of "La Peau de Chagrin," has never been found.

On dismissing me, he did indeed call me to him, and giving me his hand to kiss a second time, he observed: 'Suzanne, la mort de votre mere vous a privee de votre appui naturel; mais vous pourrez toujours compter sur ma protection, but with the other hand he gave me at once a slight push on the shoulder, and, with the sharpening of the corners of the mouth habitual with him, he added, 'Allez, mon enfant. I longed to shriek at him: 'Why, but you know you're my father! but I said nothing and left the room.

Cher Reeve, Il y a un siecle que je ne vous ai ecrit. Je n'etais pas libre de le faire. Le mois de janvier tout entier s'est passe au milieu de la crise la plus douloureuse. Je ne crois pas qu'il y ait aucun mois de ma vie qui merite mieux que celui-la d'etre marque d'une croix noire dans l'histoire de mon existence privee.

MacEwen from New York, and she just won thirteen thousand in the Salle Privee and she wants me to go back with her while the luck lasts. Of course I can't leave her. But if you'd " At that "she" looked up; she simply withered her mother. "Why can't you leave me?" she said furiously. "What utter rot! How dare you make a scene like this? This is the last time I'll come out with you.

This room, called a "parler" or "privée parloir," was the part of the house where the family enjoyed domestic life, and it is a singular fact that the Clerics of the time, and also the Court party, saw in this tendency towards private life so grave an objection that, in 1526, this change in fashion was the subject of a court ordinance, and also of a special Pastoral from Bishop Grosbeste.

1. For medieval Venice see F.C. Hodgson: The Early History of Venice from the Foundation to the Conquest of Constantinople ; and Venice in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, A Sketch of Venetian History, 1204-1400 . P.G. Molmenti: Venice, its Growth to the Fall of the Republic, vols. I and II (The Middle Ages), trans. H.F. Brown ; and La Vie Privée

Voltaire himself, twenty years after, in far other humor, all jarred into angry sarcasm, for causes we shall see by and by, Voltaire, at the request of friends, writes down, as his Friedrich Reminiscences, that scandalous VIE PRIVEE above spoken of, a most sad Document; and this is the passage referring to "the little Place in the neighborhood of Cleve," where Friedrich now waited for him: errors corrected by our laborious Friend.