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She made hay with Prissy and Fiddy, and not only accomplished a finer cock than weak Fiddy and impatient Priss, but surpassed the regular haymakers.

Winnsboro expected her guests to bring their own plans and take care of themselves. They were marooned. When the last malingerer arrived with yawns still unfinished, Prissy seized upon a temporary hush and began to laugh. Pet Bettany, who was always sullen before luncheon, grumbled: "What ails you, Priss? Just seeing some joke you heard last night?" Priss snapped, "I was thinking."

As there are several stage words of manifest Gipsy origin, I am inclined to derive this from the old Gipsy Priss, to read. In English Gipsy Prasser or Pross means to ridicule or scorn. Something of this is implied in the slang word Pross, since it also means "to sponge upon a comrade," &c., "for drink." TOSHERS are in English low language, "men who steal copper from ship's bottoms."

A couple of flanneled oaves impatient for the tennis-court stole away, and Pet said, "Speed it up, Priss; they're walking out on you." "Well, they won't walk out when they know who the woman was. Jim was waiting for he was waiting for " He paused a moment. Nobody seemed interested, and so he hastened to explode the name of the woman. "Charity Coe! It was Charity Coe Jim was waiting for!