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Yet somehow it seems impossible for a successful primadonna ever to escape notice. Instead of one maid, for instance, Cordova had two, and they carried rather worn leathern boxes that were evidently heavy jewel-cases, which they clutched with both hands and refused to give up to the stewards.

Logotheti had been disappointed in not finding the Primadonna at home, and he was not inclined to put up with the usual round of an evening in London during the early part of the season as a substitute for what he had lost.

The lady explained each picture to her, but in such a soft whisper that Margaret could not hear a sound. Yet the child evidently understood every word easily. It was natural to suppose that the lady spoke under her breath in order not to disturb Margaret while she was asleep. 'It is very kind of you to whisper, said the Primadonna graciously, 'but I am awake now.

If unexpectedly he exhibited signs of consciousness, Bolt would immediately divert the subject by passing some facetious criticisms on the rotundity of the primadonna. How often I pitied the poor Earl, as in the mightiness of his gravity he would bring up the rear, bearing her ladyship's perfumed cambric.

Goethe said that every man must be either the hammer or the anvil; the billiard-room public is sure that every primadonna is a siren or a martyred wife, or else a public benefactress, unless she is all three by turns, which is even more interesting. In any case, the reporters are sure that every one wants to know just what she thinks about everything.

I should like to keep every one in the house for a quarter of an hour, and if you will only sing for them they won't stir. Will you? Margaret looked at her curiously. 'I think I understand, Margaret said. 'The people in the study are asking for Mr. Van Torp. Lady Maud nodded, not surprised that Logotheti should have told the Primadonna something about what he had been doing.

The people were half hysterical from the past danger, and when they saw, and realised, they did not wait for the end of the air, but sent up such a shout of applause as had never been heard in the Opera before and may not be heard there again. Instinctively the Primadonna sang the last bars, though no one heard her in the din, unless it was Schreiermeyer, who stood near her.

As a matter of fact the Primadonna needed neither sympathy nor support, and that sort of admiration was not of the kind that most delighted her. She did not believe that she had done anything heroic, and did not feel at all inclined to cry. 'You saved the whole audience! cried Signor Pompeo Stromboli, the great Italian tenor, who presented an amazing appearance in his Highland dress.

He was talking to a very handsome and thoroughbred looking woman in plain black velvet, who had the most perfectly beautiful shoulders Margaret had ever seen. Mustapha Pasha led the Primadonna to the group. 'Lady Maud, he said to the beauty, 'this is my old friend Senorita da Cordova. Countess Leven, he added, for Margaret's benefit.

The position of a successful lyric primadonna with regard to other artists and the rest of the world is altogether exceptional, and is not easy to explain. Her value for purposes of advertisement apparently exceeds that of any other popular favourite, not to mention the majority of royal personages.