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Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night, And watching, with eternal lids apart, Like Nature's patient, sleepless eremite, The moving waters at their priest-like task Of pure ablution round earth's human shores " This desperate, sensuous pain which makes us cry out to the "midnight" that we might "cease upon it," need not harden our hearts before we pass hence.

Yet it was an ascetic and priest-like face which looked upwards from the tomb. They passed the rifled tombs of Cromwell, Blake, and Ireton the despicable revenge of the men who did not dare to face them in the field, and they marked the grave of James the First, who erected no monument to himself, and so justified in death the reputation for philosophy which he had aimed at in his life.

It seemed as though he had a right to know: hadn't he spent thirty hours on board the Palna had he not taken the succession, so to speak, had he not done "his possible"? He listened to me, looking more priest-like than ever, and with what probably on account of his downcast eyes had the appearance of devout concentration.

The Nabob opened one and tried to read; but a rapid, gliding step, a sing-song murmuring made him raise his eyes, and he saw a white-haired, stooping old man, decked out with finery like an altar, who was praying as he walked with long priest-like strides, his red cassock spread out like a train over the carpet. It was the Archbishop of Paris, accompanied by two assistants.

A stout, fat, priest-like man entered, accompanied by several others, it was the Governor and his suite, with a number of well-dressed citizens, who were no doubt the elite of New Mexican society. Some of the new-comers were militaires, dressed in gaudy and foolish-looking uniforms that were soon seen spinning round the room in the mazes of the waltz. "Where is the Senora Armijo?"

During the last few moments the music from the organ had come brokenly. The hands upon the keys moved unsteadily, drunkenly. Now they halted altogether and in the middle of a chord the music sank and died. Upon the now absolute silence the voice of Vance, when he spoke, sounded strangely unfamiliar. It had lost the priest-like intonation. Its confidence had departed.

The sufferings of my fellows still afflict me; but always, if I stand still and listen, in my own room, or in a crowded street, or in a waste spot among the moors, I can hear those waters moving round the world moving on their "priest-like task " those lustral divine tears which are Oceanus.

The brothers accompanied their father to the fields; Agnes milked the cows, reciting the while to her younger sisters, Annabella and Isabella, snatches of song or psalm; and in the evening the whole family would again gather round the ingle to raise their voices in Dundee or Martyrs or Elgin, and then to hear the priest-like father read the sacred page.

The three men-servants, moving soundless as phantoms, brought burdens from a hidden country behind a gigantic screen, and at intervals in the twilight near the screen could be detected the transient gleam of the white apron of the mulatto, whose sex clashed delicately and piquantly with the grave, priest-like performances of the male menials.

Joses, slobbering at the mouth, was shouting in the trainer's ear. Both men plunged into the vortex. "Easy all!" came Jaggers's priest-like voice. "Give him a chance, boys. We aren't beat yet." "Win, tie, or wrangle!" muttered Old Mat. "That's the Three J's all right." The mounted police were shepherding Chukkers off the course into the Paddock. There was murder in his face.