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All the German banks together, excepting the hypothecary institutions, owned £195,000,000 sterling, about 44 per cent. of which belonged to the eight principal banks of the empire. Possessing only £86,050,000 of their own, they disposed of £259,600,000 belonging to other people. Giovanni Preziosi, La Germania alla Conquista d'Italia, 2d edizione, p. 150.

Preziosi, La Germania a la Conquista dell' Italia, p. 75 ff. Like the vampire that soothes its victim while drawing its life-blood, the parasitic German organism cast a spell over influential Italians of the community and imparted to them a feeling that things were going well with themselves and their country. Money passed from hand to hand. Labour found remunerative employment.

And to make matters still worse, Italian navigation companies are bound with those of Germany by special secret conventions, which oblige them to abandon to their rivals certain kinds of merchandise of the Near and the Far East." Cf. Preziosi, La Germania a la Conquista dell' Italia, p. 57 fol.

And all this is executed with order and discipline. Examples could be quoted and names mentioned." Cf. Preziosi, La Germania a la Conquista dell' Italia, p. 66. Ibid., p. 67. The unsuspected ways in which this remarkable organization destroys, constructs and draws its sustenance from its victims are a revelation.