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Previsioning this masterly apologium upon the first page of the morrow's "Clarion," or perhaps at the top of the editorial columns, its artificer thrilled with the combined pride of authorship and poetic justice. On the walls of the commodious room which had been set aside in the Surtaine mansion for the young master's study hung a plaited dog-whip.

In the light of what meets our eyes today, his previsioning of the operation of this dual process is breathtaking: the creation of “a mechanism of world inter-communication ... functioning with marvellous swiftness and perfect regularity”; the undermining of the nation-state as the chief arbiter of human destiny; the devastating effects that advancing moral breakdown throughout the world would have on social cohesion; the widespread public disillusionment produced by political corruption; andunimaginable to others of his generationthe rise of global agencies dedicated to promoting human welfare, coordinating economic activity, defining international standards, and encouraging a sense of solidarity among diverse races and cultures.

Barbee, previsioning defeat at Blenham's hard hand, suffering in his youthful pride, had given birth, deep within him, to an undying hatred. And Blenham, for his own reasons and after his own fashion, was bursting with rage. "Get up, Barbee," he yelled. "Get up an', so help me " "I'm goin' to kill you, Blenham," said Barbee faintly, lifting himself a little, his blue eyes swimming.

One braces one's self to withstand the pain of scenes of joy or sorrow revisited, to find that, after all, when the moment comes, there is little of that dreaded pain. It has been lived through and the climax passed in that previsioning which imagination made more intense, more harrowingly real, than the reality. Mrs.

Thus will be born the architecture of the future; and the ornament of that architecture will tell, in a new set of symbols, the story of the rejuvenation of the world. In this previsioning of architecture after the war, the author must not be understood to mean that these things will be realized directly after.