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The prestidigitateur, who moved about the table like a schoolboy in a monkey-house, drew the cork from a bottle of Roederer it was astonishing that fireworks did not dart out of it and good-humor was restored. It reigned noisily until the end of the repast, when the effect was spoiled by that fool of a Gustave.

At our holiday frolics he used sometimes to conjure for us, the equallynoble artof the prestidigitateur being among his accomplishments.

You can imagine the piquant interest of the scene the polite matinee audience, the row of erudite Frenchmen sitting behind the speaker, the table, the shaded lamp, and the professor himself, a slender, dark gentleman with a fine, grave face, pointed black beard, and penetrating eyes suggesting vaguely a prestidigitateur trying, by sheer intelligence and delicate, critical skill, to bridge the gaps of race and instinctive thought and feeling and make his audience understand Kipling.

The stranger nodded. 'Let me have another shooter, he said. A third was thrown to him, and he twirled the three in the air, discharging each into the tip as it reached his hand. 'Bravo! bravo! The performance was growing quite exciting. 'That's simply nothing, said the amateur prestidigitateur modestly.

I cannot find that, as the Prince-President of that poor, poetic, impracticable thing, the French Republic, much notice had been taken of him by the English Government; but "Emperor" was a more respectable title, even worn in this way, snatched in the twinkling of an eye by a political prestidigitateur, and it was of greater worth it had cost blood.

What, got a girl with you, too? Enough to finish you off! Mother!" he added, raising his voice, "Here's a young woman come to see us." A little meek woman in a faded blue frock came out on to the verandah. "Wherever have you come from?" she asked. They explained, and she seemed to do ten things at once, while they were speaking. Louis was irresistibly reminded of a music-hall prestidigitateur.

This doctrine, like many others of its kind, seemed at first sight to be the balm it pretended, instead of an irritant, as it really was. It was calculated to deceive all except thinking men, and to silence all save a merciless logician. And this merciless logician, who was heaven-sent in time of need, was Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Douglas was a juggler, a political prestidigitateur.

The prestidigitateur, who moved about the table like a schoolboy in a monkey-house, drew the cork from a bottle of Roederer it was astonishing that fireworks did not dart out of it and good-humor was restored. It reigned noisily until the end of the repast, when the effect was spoiled by that fool of a Gustave.

He had hardly pronounced Maurice Roger's name when a voice like a cannon bellowed out, "Now then! the yellow parlor!" and he was conducted into a room where a dazzling table was laid by a young man, with a Yankee goatee and whiskers, and the agility of a prestidigitateur. This frisky person relieved Amedee at once of his hat and coat, and left him alone in the room, radiant with lighted candles.

This doctrine, like many others of its kind, seemed at first sight to be the balm it pretended, instead of an irritant, as it really was. It was calculated to deceive all except thinking men, and to silence all save a merciless logician. And this merciless logician, who was heaven-sent in time of need, was Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Douglas was a juggler, a political prestidigitateur.