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Her pretty face seemed to answer back the music that the youth at her feet wuz a-rousin' from his magic flute. Theology wuz a wise, reverend-lookin' old man, a-thinkin' up a sermon, or a-thinkin' out some new system of religion, I dare presoom to say, for his book seemed to be half closed, and he wuz lost in deep thought.

Isabelle wouldn't correspond with him, so she told him in that last hour still and calm on the outside, and her heart a-bleedin' on the inside, I dare presoom to say; no, she wanted him to feel free. What creeters, what creeters wimmen be for makin' martyrs of themselves, and burnt sacrifices sometimes I most think they enjoy it, and then agin I don't know!

"They'll take Tom Kidd along, that I can plaster a wall with, an' like as not they won't take us." "Then let's go an' make Tom Kidd so bloomin' sick 'e can't bugle no more. You 'old 'is 'ands an' I'll kick him," said Lew, wriggling on the branch. "That ain't no good neither. We ain't the sort o' characters to presoom on our rep'tations they're bad.

He looked at the footing of it. Then he looked at the items. Then he looked at Silas Peckham. At this moment Silas was sublime. He was so transcendently unconscious of the emotions going on in Mr. Bernard's mind at the moment, that he had only a single thought. "The accaount's correc'ly cast, I presoom; if the' 's any mistake of figgers or addin' 'em up, it'll be made all right.

"My father he run his packet, an' she was a kind o' pinkey, abaout fifty ton, I guess, the Rupert, he run her over to Greenland's icy mountains the year ha'af our fleet was tryin' after cod there. An' what's more, he took my mother along with him, to show her haow the money was earned, I presoom, an' they was all iced up, an' I was born at Disko. Don't remember nothin' abaout it, o' course.

Uncle Sam hain't liked the way your folks have acted with him, and though I dare presoom to say he's some to blame, yet I can see where your folks have missed it.

He wuz some bald-headed, and wore a large smile all the while, it looked like a boughten one that didn't fit him, but I won't say it wuz. I presoom he'll be known by this description. But his baldness didn't look to me like Josiah Allen's baldness, and he didn't have the noble linement of the President, no indeed.

I presoom you want me to advise you what to do, only bein' a man you hain't really wanted to come out and ask me. Josiah acts jest like that lots of times. So I'll say to you, I honor you, Samuel, for what you're doin' for these foreign children, but I want you to do jest as much to home. I want you to send teachers and found schools at your own expense; you're four handed and able to do it.

And the schoolmaster thought that "it would be useful to the foreign powers to see to what height swamp culture had attained in the growth of its idigenious plants." I didn't really understand everything he said there wuz a number more big words in his talk but I presoom he did, and felt comforted to use 'em. Why, as I said, I had boasted that fern wuz as long as my arm.

I presoom mebby Josiah and I would have been warwhoopin' and livin' in tepees and eatin' dogs, though it don't seem to me that any colored skin I might have could have made me relish Snip either in a stew or briled. That dog is most human. I always felt real grateful to Columbus and knowed he hadn't been used as he ort to be.