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And observe it, that of all the particulars that you read of, touching the fence, fashion, or frame of this city, and of all her glory, the firs thing that he presenteth to our view is her safety and security; she 'had a wall. A wall, you know, is for the safety, security, defence, and preservation of a place, city, or town; therefore it is much to the purpose that in the first place after this general description, he should fall upon a discovery of her security and fortification; for what of all this glory and goodness, if there be no way to defend and preserve it in its high and glorious state?

There is, also, the fancy or imagination, another part of this great thing, the sou1: and a most curious thing this fancy is; it is that which presenteth to the man the idea, form, or figure of that, or any of those things, wherewith a man is either frighted or taken, pleased or displeased. And,

King Arthur espieth Nabigant that came right gaily caparisoned, and smiteth him so passing strong a buffet in the midst of his breast that he beareth him down from his horse, in such sort that he breaketh his collar-bone, and presenteth the destrier, by his squire, to the younger damsel, that maketh great joy thereof.

Having thus therefore gathered up their minds to hearken, he presenteth them with his errand to wit, that the Messiah was come, and that the promise was indeed fulfilled that a Saviour should be born to Israel 'Of this man's seed, saith he, 'hath God, according to his promise, raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus. In this assertion he concludeth 1.

FIRST, The matter contained in it; SECOND, The manner by which it is expressed; THIRD, The inferences that do naturally flow therefrom. We will speak first to the matter contained in the text, and that presenteth itself unto us under three heads. First, A duty. Second, A direction for the well management of that duty. Third, The persons that are so to manage it.

'Such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens'; that he might always be accepted, both in person and offering, when he presenteth his blood to God, the atonement for sin.

This righteousness, then, he presenteth to God for us, and God, for this righteousness' sake, is well pleased that we should be saved, and for it can save us, and secure his honour, and preserve the law in its sanction.

Therefore our Lord Jesus doth even at the beginning give to His followers this instruction. And lest any of them should take distaste at His saying, He presenteth them with the consideration of three things together namely, the cross, the loss of life, and the soul; and then reasoneth with them from the same, saying, Here is the cross, the life, and the soul.

"Sir," saith Lancelot, "I have sithence spoken to her and she to me, and so hath she told me her will and her wish." Thereupon the knight bade the knights take water, and the lady taketh the basins and presenteth water to the knights. "Avoid, damsel," saith the King, "Take it away! Never, please God, shall it befall that we should accept such service from you."

Therefore it is OF faith; he saith not BY it, respecting the act of faith, but of, respecting the doctrine or word which presenteth me with this blessed imputed righteousness: they that are of faith are the children of faithful Abraham.