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"This is queer plantin', Jamie," put in Joel, "and queerer grain will come of it. Do you think these young chestnuts will ever grow, ag'in, that you put them out in rows, like so much corn?" "Now it's no for the growth we does it, Joel, but to presairve the human growth we have.

"Never think it!" cried Bishopriggs, fervently. "If there's ain thing mair than anither that I'm carefu' to presairve intact, it's joost the respectful attention that I owe to Sir Paitrick. I'll make sae bauld, miss, au to chairge ye wi' that bit caird. He handed a dirty little card to Blanche containing the name and address of a butcher in Edinburgh. "Sawmuel Bishopriggs," he went on, glibly.

"Ye're over-quick at yer objections and sentiments," said Jamie Allen, coolly, "like most youths, who see only their ain experience in the airth, and the providence o' the Lord. Enlisted we are, a' of us, even to Michael here, and it's in the sairvice of our good master, his honour captain Willoughby; whom, with his kith and kin, may the Lord presairve from this and all other dangers."

"A lady," she added, "who came to you about the middle of last month." "Could yer leddyship condescend on her name?" Lady Lundie put a still stronger constraint on herself. "Silvester," she said, sharply. "Presairve us a'!" cried Mrs. Inchbare. "It will never be the same that cam' driftin' in by hersel' wi' a bit bag in her hand, and a husband left daidling an hour or mair on the road behind her?"

"Faith, it's wantin' to know I am how the divvle you've iver been able to move about at all, at all, colonel, with that thing there. Look at it now, an' till me what ye think of it yoursilf, me darlint. May the saints presairve us, but did any one iver say such a leg?"

The sage of Craig Fernie returned a few brief remarks instead. Admirable in many things, Father Bishopriggs was especially great at drawing a moral. He drew a moral on this occasion from his own gratuity. "There I am as ye say. Mercy presairve us! ye need the siller at every turn, when there's a woman at yer heels.

"Mercy presairve us!" he exclaimed, in the most innocent manner. "Is it even You Yersel' that writ the letter to the man ca'ed Jaffray Delamayn, and got the wee bit answer in pencil on the blank page? Hoo, in Heeven's name, was I to know that was the letter ye were after when ye cam' in here? Did ye ever tell me ye were Anne Silvester, at the hottle? Never ance!

He was a good one over his vittles, too, was the corporal, and likewise at his drink!" "Faix, ye lie, ye divil," cried the seemingly lifeless man, reviving at this moment and struggling to his feet. "I'm not d'id at all, at all! D'ye think now I'm going to be kilt by a Haythin Chaynee? Begorrah, whin I am kilt, may the saints in h'iven presairve me from it yit!

Did the Lard no raise up the man Robert Ferguson and presairve him through five-and-thairty indictments and twa-and-twenty proclamations o' the godless? What is there He canna do? Hosannah! Hosannah! 'The Doctor is right, said a square-faced, leather-skinned English Independent.

"Bedad," said he unflinchingly, "the banshees, sure, the saints presairve the good people from harmin' us! Can take virry good care ov thimselves; but, faith, if ye'd ivver sane wun, ye'd spake more rispictfully ov thim, sure!"