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If we only adopted the same attitude towards Premiers and Chancellors of the Exchequer, if we genially encouraged their stammering and delightful attempts at human speech, we should be in a far more wise and tolerant temper. A child has a knack of making experiments in life, generally healthy in motive, but often intolerable in a domestic commonwealth.

The premiers in the roll-call of our nobility have been also among the most persecuted and ill-fated.

J'irai a Knowsley dans la seconde quinzaine d'octobre; a Sandringham, dans les premiers jours de novembre; puis mes neveux viendront tirer mes faisans. J'espere bien prendre part aux agapes du Club le 27 novembre et 11 decembre, et serai bien heureux de vous revoir un peu. En attendant je vous serre la main, mon cher confrere. To Lord Derby Foxholes, October 2nd.

Quomodo sedet sola civitas! Meanwhile, close to one of those city gates, is a poster announcing lectures "Sur le costume des Premiers Chrétiens!" But not less incongruous, behind those walls of Rome, are all of us, bringing our absurd modernnesses, our far-fetched things of civilisation into the solemn, starved, lousy, silent Past! I went into the vigna of S. Cesario for the key of the church.

The contrast between elementary education as it too often is, and as it ought to be if the truth of my "truisms" were widely accepted, is so startling that in my desire to account for it I have had recourse to a paradox. "Trop de vérité," says Pascal, "nous étonne: les premiers principes ont trop d'évidence pour nous."

Sir Leonard Tilley built a residence in St. John, in which he lived for the remainder of his life, and the seat of government, so far as his presence was concerned, was transferred to that city. Sir Leonard Tilley was always on the most cordial terms with the various premiers who led the government of New Brunswick during their terms of office.

"But I perpetually hear you laughing at the big people the Premiers, the Chancellors, the Archbishops, the Generals of the world." "Because I've always known them. And really they are so often quite absurd and tiresome." "And Rupert Carey?" "Oh, he's nothing at all, poor fellow! Still there's something in his face that makes me think he could do an extraordinary thing if he had the chance.

It may be imagined with what zeal, as the years went on, he entered into the pleasantry of there being no manual so important to him as the massive book of life. It was an expensive volume to peruse, but Mrs. Stormer was willing to lay out a sum in what she would have called her premiers frais. Ethel disapproved she thought this education far too unconventional for an English gentleman.

It is on this principle that I explain to myself the equanimity of some men and Premiers whom we have known. This and the other Premier seems to take it with perfect coolness. And yet, I say, what a strange feeling, to find himself Chief Governor of England; girding on, upon his moderately sized new soul, the old battle-harness of an Oliver Cromwell, an Edward Longshanks, a William Conqueror.

The other Premiers agreed to consider whether Canada's preferential tariff policy could be followed. Chamberlain in vain urged defense and political policies designed to centralize power in London. He praised the action of the Australian colonies in contributing money to the British navy but could get no promise of similar action from the others.