United States or Palestine ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"You were speaking very highly of several of your English friends, last night." "I do like the better sort very much. They are fine, manly fellows, as ever breathed." "What people did you like best?" asked Miss Agnes. "A man who does not cherish prejudice, must naturally like the best qualities and the best individuals of all nations." "But have you no preference?"

It came out under the title of "The Abortion of the Young Engineer's Guide". Four years later, when Congress restored and extended his patent, Evans felt that better days were ahead, but, as said already, he was too far ahead of his time to be understood and appreciated. Incredulity, prejudice, and opposition were his portion as long as he lived.

He was beginning to appreciate the force of the advice which had urged him to beware of Japan. Here, in the hotbed of race prejudice, evil spirits were abroad. It was so different in broad-hearted tolerant London. Asako was charming and rich. She was received everywhere. To marry her was no more strange than to marry a French girl or a Russian.

But this do trouble me a little that anything should stick to my prejudice in any of them, and did trouble me so much that all the way home with Sir W. Pen I was not at good ease, nor all night, though when I come home I did find my wife, and Betty Turner, the two Mercers, and Mrs.

"A Jew? Yes, I knew I should have that prejudice to live down. But I'm not a hall-marked Israelite, am I? After all I'm half English by birth and wholly so by breeding." Isabel was betrayed into an involuntary and fleeting smile. "Hallo! what's this?" "Oh, Captain Hyde " "Go on." "No: it's the tiniest trifle, and besides I've no right." "Ask me anything you like, I give you the right."

Mary Rhodes looked at her; a long eloquent glance. "With a good testimonial yes! Without a good testimonial no! A testimonial for twelve years' work depends on one woman, remember on her prejudice or good nature, on the mood in which she happens to be on one particular day. It might read quite differently because she happened to have a chill on her liver." "My dear! there is a sense of justice!

She had an old-fashioned prejudice against trained nurses. Hugh Elwyn helped his mother into the house; then, in the hall, he bent down and just touched her cheek with his lips. "Won't you come up into the drawing-room?

It is not with these States that we are making terms or claim any right to make them, nor is the number of their non-voting population so large as to make them dangerous, or the prejudice against them so great that it may not safely be left to time and common sense.

But if the monarch be not so exempt from prejudice, and have not this nearly miraculous discernment, it is not likely that he will be able to make a wiser choice than the choice of the party itself. He certainly is not under the same motive to choose wisely. His place is fixed whatever happens, but the failure of an appointing party depends on the capacity of their appointee.

Does not this prejudice you against their matter, be it what it will; nay, even against their persons? I am sure it does me. On the other hand, do you not feel yourself inclined, prepossessed, nay, even engaged in favor of those who address you in the direct contrary manner?