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Many difficulties are experienced in determining the date of the expected confinement. As most pregnancies occur in married women, we cannot base any calculations on a single act of coitus. And even if there was but one, all physiologists agree that there is a variable period in different women, and in the same woman at different times, between insemination and the fertilization of the ovum.

Of 150,000 twin pregnancies studied by Veit, in one-third both children were boys; in slightly less than one-third both were girls; in the remaining third both sexes were represented. Authentic records of 5 and 6 at a birth are extremely rare and infinitesimal in proportion.

Under these favorable circumstances symptoms of autointoxication probably occur not oftener than once in every hundred pregnancies, but nine out of ten of them, being promptly recognized, yield readily to relatively simple treatment. The early detection of such complications depends largely upon the patient herself.

Since Willoughby's time several cases of similar interest have been noticed, one in a woman of forty, who had been married sixteen years, and who had had several pregnancies in her early married life and a recent abortion. Her last pregnancy lasted about twenty-eight or twenty-nine weeks, and terminated, after a short labor, by the expulsion of the ovum entire.

There is a gain in weight during pregnancy amounting finally to about thirty pounds; exceptionally, it is as little as ten or fifteen pounds, and, at the other extreme, as much as forty or fifty. With individuals inclined to be stout the increase is greater, and it is relatively greater in later pregnancies than in the first.

Hendenberg and Packard report the removal of a tumor weighing 8 3/4 pounds from a pregnant uterus without interrupting gestation. The following extract from the University Medical Magazine of Philadelphia illustrates the after-effects of abdominal hysteropasy on subsequent pregnancies:

It contains data relative to 17 cases in which abdominal section has been successfully performed for advanced ectopic gestation with living children. Long Retention of Extrauterine Pregnancy. The time of the retention of an extrauterine gestation is sometimes remarkable, and it is no uncommon occurrence for several pregnancies to successfully ensue during such retention.

His nausea continued for two months, and was the same as that which he had suffered during his wife's former pregnancies, although not until both he and his wife became aware of the existence of pregnancy. The Lancet describes a case in which the husband's nausea and vomiting, as well as that of the wife, began and ended simultaneously.

Finally, one and a half years before admission she agreed, on account of the children, to accept the Hebrew faith, and they were then married in the synagogue. But he still did not take her to his family. There were four pregnancies: the first child died; of the survivors one was 8, a second 5 years old. Finally, a year before admission, she became again pregnant.

During two pregnancies the tendency to constipation was aggravated by the weight of the fetus resting on an already sluggish bowel, and the discomfort of straining to pass my first hard bowel movement after childbirth with a torn perineum I won't forget. Rapid Relief From Colon Cleansing During fasting the liver is hard at work processing toxins released from fat and other body deposits.