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He was of the new Army, Val of the old: it was a constant source of mild surprise to Val that his brother read books about philosophy, and psychology, and sociology, of which pre-war Sandhurst had never heard: read poetry too, not Tennyson or Shakespeare, but slim modern volumes with brown covers and wide margins: and wrote verses now and then, and sent them to orange-coloured magazines or annual anthologies, at which Val gazed from a respectful distance.

CANADA as part of British dominions, Cilicia, Civilization, evolution of, Clemenceau, M., and the military guarantees question, and the Paris Conference, and the reparations clause, as destroyer, communicates Poincaré's letter to Lloyd George, fall of, his hatred of the Germans, on peace treaties, replies to Lloyd George's note, Coal fields, Germany's pre-war, Colonial rights, and the Versailles Treaty, Colonies, British, German pre-war, Germany loses her, Commune, the French, Communist system, Russian, failure of, Constantine, King of Greece, return of, Constantinople, retained by the Turks, Russia's desire for, subject to international control, the Treaty of Sèvres and, Croatia and Fiume, Cyrenaica, Czeko-Slovakia, State of, added population of, army of, financial position of, Magyars in

Unfortunately, the Versailles peace conference was devoid of true statesmanship, and the resulting "settlement" not only failed to give peace to Europe but disclosed an attitude toward the East inspired by the pre-war spirit of predatory imperialism and cynical Realpolitik.

In the matter of housing, for instance, we know we cannot build houses at less than two or three times their prewar cost, and yet we cannot endure to see the owners of pre-war houses obtaining a commensurate increase of rent.

So saying, he flung his arms round her, and embraced her warmly, inhaling with the most poignant emotion her sheep-like odour. He was still engaged with her when the door was opened, and Joe came in. "Joe," said Mr. Lavender resolutely, "sit down and light your pipe. You will find a bottle of pre-war port in the sideboard.

Varnishes in these colours were not allowed to be used. The street plates of pre-war times had to be repainted in black and yellow. Newspaper posters, match-boxes and other articles were not allowed to be sold or exhibited, if they were painted in the Slav tricolours. The Suppression of Czech Literature "More than two hundred books published before the war were confiscated.

The psychology of the pre-war young girl absorbed, even though intellectually and for curiosity's sake, in the feminist movement, is yet to be studied. Betty, then, was away. Althea, beata possidens, made her artless, innocent appeal for victory. Unconsciously she tempted. The man yielded. A touch of the lips in a moment of folly, the man blazed, the woman helpless was consumed.

In the pre-war years, once the Wright Brothers had accomplished their task, America's chief accomplishment consisted in the development of the 'Flying Boat, alternatively named with characteristic American clumsiness, 'The Hydro-Aeroplane. In February of 1911, Glenn Curtiss attached a float to a machine similar to that with which he won the first Gordon-Bennett Air Contest and made his first flying boat experiment.

What a pity that is! If you'd only been a pre-war Territorial you might have done three weeks' urgent work for your country by this time." The remark was a polite reproof. "I might," admitted George, to whom the notion of working for his country had never before occurred. "Do you think you'd like the Artillery?" Colonel Rannion questioned sharply. His tone was increasing in sharpness.

Deflation of government after a war period is slower than deflation of business, where curtailment is either prompt and effective or disaster follows. There is room for further economy in the cost of the Federal Government, but a co n of current expenditures with pre-war expenditures is not able to the efficiency with which Government business is now being done.