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I don't know who you be, but I'd know you was a thief if I run acrost you in prayer-meetin'. Just to look at you is enough." I heard a hysterical giggle from the bench beside me. Evidently the person with the club heard it, too, for he leaned forward to look. "So there's two of ye, eh!" he said. "Well, by godfreys, I don't care if there's a million!

But there are the prayer-meetings, and the Sabbath-school, and the whole management and direction of the church." "Prayer-meetin' and Sabbath-school!" replied Mr. Hardcap; "don't we all work in them? And we don't ask any salary for it. I guess it ain't no harder for the parson to go to prayer-meetin' than for me." I shrugged my shoulders. The deacon interposed. "I agree with you, Mr.

"We musn't worry them that's weak in the faith, but I sha'n't be satisfied till I hear him tell his experience. Oh, what a blessed thing to relate at prayer-meetin' to-night!" There was, indeed, a rattling of dry bones at the prayer-meeting that night, for it was the first time in the history of the church that the conversion of a steamboat captain had been reported.

Knowles," he stammered, "really, I I am at a loss to understand your meaning. Surely you do not mean that that " "Of course he didn't mean that," put in Hephzy. "What he said was that some of the ones who talk the loudest and oftenest in prayer-meetin' at our Methodist church in Bayport weren't as good as they pretended to be. And that's so, too." Mr. Judson seemed relieved. "Oh," he exclaimed.

"'Abel Halsey, Timothy tarts up, 'you needn't to be sacrilegious. "'But, says Abel, 'the question is, whether you're sacrilegious to deny a prayer-meetin' or any other good use to the church or to any other place, dedicated or not. Well, Timothy, I think you are. "Timothy clears his throat an' dabs at the palm of his hand with his other front finger.

The Mayor shook himself, and went over to his telephone; a few minutes later the Chief of Police strolled in, and grinned at the disordered semi-circle of chairs. "Been holdin' a prayer-meetin', Mr. Rowland?" The Mayor was biting his moustache. "Sit down, Chief. I want some advice.... Lord, I wish Barklay wasn't off on his vacation.... Why, I've just had a threat from this Reform League."

But I did learn, once and for all, not to take folks on trust, nor to size 'em up by their outside, or the noise they make in prayer-meetin', nor the way they can spread soft soap when they think it's necessary. I'd learned that, and I'd learned it early enough to be of use to me, which was a mercy.

This convulsed the bold things with laughter. When they could get their breath, one of them said, "Pshaw! I know what he's up for: preaching on the Common. Say, young feller! don't you want to hold a prayer-meetin' here?" They burst into another shriek of laughter, so wild and shrill that the driver rapped on the roof, and called down, "Dry up in there!"

"How did ye like the prayer-meetin'?" asked Uncle Terry the next morning, as Albert stood watching him getting ready to start on his daily rounds. "Did the Widder Leach make ye feel ye was a hopeless sinner?" "It was an interesting experience," replied Albert, "and one I shall not soon forget."

David quickened up a little. 'Tom, whar are yo goin? The other looked round at him uneasily. 'Niver yo mind. The youth's uncouth clothes were carefully brushed, and his fat face, which wore an incongruous expression of anxiety and dejection, shone with washing. David studied him a moment in silence, then he said abruptly 'Yo're goin prayer-meetin, that's what yo are.