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She was frightened, and almost ran across the street, quickly passing in front of a carriage. She was ashamed of her previous desire to be the lady in the carriage she had seen coming from the Prater. It seemed as though the man's insolence had been her punishment.

There is no public place which I did not visit, from the Volksgarten to the Prater; no conspicuous building, beneath the roof of which I failed to enter, from the cathedral to the Invaliden Haus; no palace which I did not inspect, from that of the Schweitzer Hof to Schönbrunn. Yet I will not describe any of them. Why?

When the Parisians, whose names appear in the chronicles of fashion, are not Americans, Russians, Roumanians, Portuguese, English, Chinese, or Hungarians, they do not count; they are no longer Parisians. The Parisians of the day are Parisians of the Prater, of the Newski Perspective or of Fifth Avenue; they are no longer pureblooded Parisians.

Seeing him pass by, one could easily imagine him with his fashionable clothes cast aside, and, clad in the uniform of the Hungarian hussars, with closely shaven chin, and moustaches brushed fiercely upward, manoeuvring his horse on the Prater with supple grace and nerves like steel.

Russell Young, who was a bird of passage like myself, and had just arrived from Vienna, where he had been detailing the ceremonial at the opening of the International Exhibition in the Prater. While enjoying myself at a ball at the Norwegian Minister's, I received a telegraphic message, ordering me at once to the Austrian capital.

She wished to cross the street at this point, but had to wait while a great number of carriages drove by. Most of them were occupied by gentlemen, many of whom carried field-glasses. She knew that they were returning from the races at the Prater. There came an elegant equipage in which were seated a young man and a girl, the latter dressed in a white spring costume.

His scheming brain was out of sight in a shapely head. 'Oh, what a lovely cat! said Mrs Williamson. 'Yes, isn't he, agreed Mrs Prater. 'We are very proud of him. 'Such a beautiful coat! 'And such a sweet purr! 'He looks so intelligent. Has he any tricks? Had he any tricks! Why, Mrs Williamson, he could do everything except speak.

They rowed to the ship's side; they mounted the ladder, and before the dawn of day Venice with her palaces and their secret prisons had disappeared, and the friends were far on their way to Trieste. The winter of 1688 had gone by; the snows were melting from the bosom of reviving earth; and the trees that bordered the avenues of the Prater were bursting into life.

For spaciousness as well as attractive gayety, the Prater is scarcely equalled certainly not surpassed by any other European driveway. There are two noble palaces at Vienna which must not be forgotten; namely, the Upper and Lower Belvedere.

When he left Dona Perfecta and Rosario conversing with the traveller, he went over to the bird, and, allowing it to bite his forefinger with the greatest good humor, said to it: "Rascal, knave, why don't you talk? You would be of little account if you weren't a prater. The world of birds, as well as men, is full of praters."