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Omnis ad accessus Heliconis semita trita est, Et iam confusi manant de fonitibus amnes Nec capiunt haustum, turbamque ad nota ruentem: Integra quaeramus rorantes prata per herbas Undamque occultis meditantem murmur in antris. In a passage of nobler and more sincere feeling, he breaks off his catalogue of the signs of the Zodiac to vindicate the arduous study of abstract science

We read in the classics of the Colchian and Milesian fleeces, of the soft wools of Italy, and of the transfer of sheep from Italy to Bastica, in Spain. Italy and Spain were both adapted to sheep husbandry. Virgil writes, "Hic gelidi fontes, hie mollia prata, Lycori"; while Spain, with her alternations of hill and dale and her varying climate, was eminently fitted for the pasturage of sheep.

The entrance to the house of the Dalmatians we never knew their names gave access also to a house in the story above them, which belonged to some mysterious person described on his door-plate as "Co. Prata." I think we never saw Co. Prata himself, and only by chance some members of his family when they came back from their summer in the country to spend the winter in the city.

This part of the negotiations ended with presenting some "satin stripe" and rum to the Nchinu and Manbuku Prata, and with shaking hands a dangerous operation. The people are cleanly; they wash when rising, and before as well as after every meal; they are always bathing, yet from prince to pauper, from baby to grey beard, they are affected with a psora known by its Portuguese name, "sarnas."

He knew when to cheek the flood of his eloquence: a glance at this face and that, and he said within himself: Sat prata biberunt. Soon after this, Lady Ogram rose, and led the company into her verdurous drawing-room. She was beginning to show signs of fatigue; seated in her throne-like chair, she let her head lie back, and was silent.

As for the offer you have been so good as to make to me, I cannot accept it; satisfied with my humble fortunes, I feel neither the need nor the desire to re-enter an administrative career; and, in common with the Latin poet, I may say, 'Claudite jam rivos, pueri, sat prata biberunt." Thus elevated in the character of its habitues, the salon Thuillier still needed a new element of life.

Prata, or miscellaneous subjects, in ten or perhaps twelve books, which work was greatly admired not only in the centuries immediately succeeding, but also throughout the Middle Ages. It is extremely probable, as Teuffel thinks, that many of the foregoing treatises may really have been simply portions of the Prata cited under their separate names.

These fields met not mine eyes before. `Riparumque toros et prata recentia rivis. Surely we have moved from the wharf?" and the Dominie turned round, and discovered, for the first time, that we were more than a mile from the place at which we had embarked. "Pray, sir, what's the use of speech, sir?" interrogated Tom, who had been listening to the whole of the Dominie's long soliloquy.

Once, at least, he was himself conscious of the fatiguing effect on my temper of this insistency, for, raising his great brown eyes with a flash of laughter in them, he closed the Bible suddenly after a very lengthy disquisition, and quoted his Virgil to startling effect: Claudite jam rivos, pueri: Sat prata biberunt.

He then catches the idea of rural tranquillity; but soon discovers how much happier he should be in these happy regions, with Lycoris at his side: Hic gelidi fontes, hic mollia prata, Lycori: Hic nemus, hic ipso tecum consumerer oevo. Nunc insanus amor duri me Martis in armis Tela inter media atque adversos detinet hostes. Ah te ne frigora laedant! Ah tibi ne teneras glacies secet aspera plantas!