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'young friends such as Scipio and Laelius are to me'. PRAECIPERE: here absolute, = praecepta dare; usually an accusative follows. STUDIIS IUVENTUTIS: 'the zeal of youth'. Studiis does not imply here the deference of youth to age; the studia meant are the virtutum studia of 26. OFFICI MUNUS: 'performance of duty'; cf. 35, 72; Fam. 6, 14.

Livy's account of the business, however, differs from Sallust's, and the expression is perhaps not authentic. "At ego scio, Quirites, qui, postquam consules facti sunt, acta majorum, et Graecorum militaria praecepta legere coeperint. Homines praeposteri!" Speech of Marius, Sallust, Jugurtha, 85. "Caesus ab utero matris."

A. R. Wallace, and their supporters are the apostles of luck, while Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, followed, more or less timidly, by the Geoffroys and by Mr. Herbert Spencer, and very timidly indeed by the Duke of Argyll, preach cunning as the most important means of organic modification. Nunc in Aristippi furtim praecepta relabor, Et mihi res, non me rebus subjungere conor.

Then, having used the Greek word pothos, he checks himself as though dreading a frown from Varius, and substitutes the Latin word puer, Scilicet hoc fraude, Vari dulcissime, dicam: "Dispeream, nisi me perdidit iste pothos." Sin autem praecepta vetant me dicere, sane Non dicam, sed: "me perdidit iste puer."

Both preachers and people have been, and are, fined, confined, imprisoned, banished, censured, and punished so severely, that he may well say of them that which our divines say of the Papists, Hoec sua inventa Decalago anteponunt, et gravius eos-multarent qui ea violarent, quam qui divina praecepta transgrederentur.

Decem Praecepta Wittebergenai praedicata populo, 1518, Erl. Ed., op. ex. lat., I, 218. A series of sermons entering into almost minute analyses of sins. Die zehen Gebote Gottes mit einer kurzen Auslegung ihre Erfüllung und Uebertretung, Weimar Ed., I, 247 ff; Erl. Ed., XXXVI, 145-154. Reduces contents of the sermons to a few pages.

Even so, I should not have ventured on poetry if Virgil had not indicated that he wished it to be done. Inspired, therefore, by his divine influence, I have approached my slender theme." The verses are good, though their poetical merit is somewhat on the level of a university prize poem. They conclude thus: "Hactenus arvorum cultus Silvine docebam Siderei referens vatis praecepta Maronis."

Sat. 2, 4, 95: haurire vitae praecepta beatae, and note, His. 1, 51: hauserunt animo. Prudentia matris. So Nero's mother deterred him from the study of philosophy. Suet. Ner. 52. Pulchritudinem ac speciem. The beautiful image, or beau ideal, by hendiadys. Cf. Cic. Or. 2: species pulchritudinis. See Rit. in loc. Vehementius quam caute.

Tu canis Ascraei veteris praecepta poetae, Quo seges in campo, quo viret uva iugo. Tale facis carmen, docta testudine quale Cynthius impositis temperat articulis."

Not only does he constantly refer to the Roman ladies and their character in his Lives and his Morals, but in his series of more than a hundred "Roman questions" the first nine, as well as many others, are concerned with marriage and the household life; and in his treatise called Coniugalia praecepta he reflects many of the features of the Roman matron.