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He objected to the use of the term atom: 'I have not yet found a mind, he says, 'that did habitually separate it from its accompanying temptations; and there can be no doubt that the words definite proportions, equivalent, primes, &c., which did and do fully express all the facts of what is usually called the atomic theory in chemistry, were dismissed because they were not expressive enough, and did not say all that was in the mind of him who used the word atom in their stead.

And if they do none of these, as great men will forget little men's service, truly I shall hold me well repaid in having done that which is right. And it is now well-nigh the fitting time to summon the brethren to breakfast in the refectory Ah! I doubt they obey that call more cheerily than the bells for primes and matins."

Lorsque nous le rencontrâmes aux champs, ainsi que je l'ai dit, l'ambassadeur et moi nous lui prîmes la main et je la lui baisai, parce que tel est l'usage. Le lendemain nous allâmes le saluer chez lui. Sa cour, assez nombreuse, étoit composée de très-beaux hommes qui portent longs cheveux et longue barbe, vu qu'ils sont de la religion Grecque. Il y avoit dans la ville un évêque et un maître (docteur) en théologie, qui se rendoient

THE PRIMES AND THEIR NEIGHBORS. Illustrated by Kemble, Frost, and others. 12mo. Cloth, uniform with "Widow Guthrie," $1.25. Also in paper, not illustrated, 50 cents. "The South ought to erect a monument in gratitude to Richard Malcolm Johnston. While scores of writers have been looking for odd Southern characters and customs and writing them up as curiosities, Mr.

Knowing all this, the colonel queried further: "You went in town, as I remember, late that evening and called on the Primes and other people at the Palace. I think I saw you in the supper room. There was much merriment at your table. Mrs. Garrison seemed to be the life of the party. Now, you left your overcoat with the boy at the cloak stand?" "No, Armstrong, that's the odd part of it.