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Ropes swished through the smoke, tying wounded wolves to be dragged to death or trampled under hoof. Men dismounted and clubbed them with shotguns and carbines, anything to administer death. Horses were powder-burnt and cried with fear, or neighed exultingly. There was an old man or two who had sense enough to secure the horses of the ladies and lead them out of immediate danger.

"An' he was put in a foine, big coffin wi' a bran' new flag spread atop to keep off the dust, an' carried back to Englan' in a war-ship, wi' the harbor guns firin' salutes the whiles Fronte McKim lays back among the hills o' Punjab, wropped in his powder-burnt, shot-tore blanket.

They set fire to the stables, shot Roman candles into the kitchen, bounced torpedoes off of the statuary in the gardens, hurled firecrackers great and small at one another, and came through the day with one thumb missing, four faces powder-burnt, and one arm fractured in two places. "But," said Mr. Bingle, after relating the horrors of the day to Dr.

"'T's all right, sweetheart. Yore old dad's not even powder-burnt. You been worryin' a heap, I reckon." His voice was full of rough tenderness. She began to cry. He patted her shoulder and caressed her dark head drawing it close to his shoulder. "Now now now sweetheart, don't you cry. It's all right, li'l' honey bug." "You're not ... hurt," she begged through her tears. "Not none.

Blister was making excuses for him, he felt, was preparing a way of escape from his chicken-hearted weakness. And he did not want the failure palliated. "What's the use of all that explainin', Blister?" he said bluntly. "Fact is, I got scared an' quit cold. Thought I was shot up when I wasn't even powder-burnt." He turned on his heel and walked away.

They stared at him in dumb, amazed questioning. Dave lifted her from the ground. "I... I thought you... were dead," she whispered. "Not even powder-burnt. His six-shooter outranged mine. I was trying to get him closer." "Is he...?" "Yes. He'll never trouble any of us again." She shuddered in his arms. Dave ached for her in every tortured nerve.