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"Do yoh 'spect I could do it?" he demanded excitedly. The proprietor, secretly astonished by the old man's manner, nodded assuringly. "Why, yes, you could easily; it's nothing much; but the Colonel " "Colonel doan have foh to know," exclaimed Uncle Noah. "I comes yere mornin's foh he's up an I 'clare to goodness, sah, I needs de money mos' powahful."

Jim scoffed at first, but Mandy grew more and more earnest, and finally, with the racking of the pain, he waxed serious and determined to look to the state of his soul as a means to the good of his body. "Hit do seem," Mandy said, "dat Jim feel de weight o' his sins mos' powahful." "I reckon hit's de rheumatics," said Dinah.

"Oh, I I I don't know," answered the young girl, blushing furiously, "I I stopped to talk." "Why dey ain no one in de house to talk to. I hyeahed you w'en you come home. You have been a powahful time sence you come in. Whut meks you so red?" Then a look of intelligence came into mammy's fat face, "Oomph," she said. "Oh mammy, don't look that way, I couldn't help it. Bartley Mr.

"Look powahful lak rain," he reflected dubiously. "Get the car out," said the inexorable Joe. "We can put the top up." Zeke opened the door and went in. For several minutes there was the metallic slip and catch of the crank and Zeke's laboured breathing.

"Lead the way." "T'ank yo', sah; t'ank yo', sah. Follow me, sah." Jack's mulatto guide led him down the street a little way, then around a corner. Here a rickety old cab with a single horse attached, waited. A gray old darkey sat on the driver's seat. "Step right inside, sah. We'll be dere direckly. Marse Truax'll be powahful glad see yo', sah."

Bambye he open his eyes an' deh, across de table, wuz a big black cat a-settin' an' lookin' at him. Lijah, he don' say nothin' an' de cat say nothin', jes' look outa' his big green eyes. Bambye de lamp, it go down an' den it flame up bright, an' Lijah, he look at de cat an' he think it biggah dan befo'. De cat, it riz up and stretch an' it seem powahful big. Lijah, he riz up, too.

"But how is one to get the diamond leaf if he doesn't? Mammy Eastah told my fortune in a teacup, and she said: 'I see a risin' sun, and a row of lovahs, but I don't see you a-takin' any of 'em, honey. Yo' ways am ways of pleasantness, and all yo' paths is peace, but I'se powahful skeered you'se goin' to be an ole maid. I sholy is, if the teacup signs p'int right."