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Chapter iii. 1. Quoy qu'il soit bon de s'épargner vn trop grand soing de pratiquer vne ciuilité affectée, il faut pourtant estre exact

She had a manner of forced calmness as if she wished it to be understood that she was one of those who could be reasonable under any provocation, though she were trembling within which made Francie draw back. "C'est pourtant rempli de choses which we know you to have been told of by what folly, great heaven! It's right and left no one's spared it's a deluge of the lowest insult.

De façon générale, pourtant, ce monde avait un certain courage personnel. Le cinquième comte de Berkeley avait dit un jour, devant témoins, qu'il n'y a point de honte

"Il faudroit," dit elle, "etre belle et jeune." "Ah, madame!" reprit le complimenteur naivement, "vous etes bien la preuve du contraire." Locke's Essay concerning the Human Understanding, fifteenth edit. vol. i. p. 292. "De moi je commence a douter tout de ben. Pourtant quand je me tate, et quand je me rappelle, Il me semble que je suis moi."

"Pourtant console-toi! pense, dans tes alarmes, Qu'un double bien te reste, espoir et souvenir; Une main dans le ciel pour essuyer tes larmes; Une main ici-bas, enfant, pour te benir." The last stanza is especially poor, and in none of them is there much poetical promise.

"If I were to go beyond seas for two three five years, should you welcome me on my return?" "Monsieur, how could I live in the interval?" "Pourtant j'ai ete pour vous bien dur, bien exigeant." I hid my face with the book, for it was covered with tears. I asked him why he talked so; and he said he would talk so no more, and cheered me again with the kindest encouragement.

Doggie noted instantly how pale she was, and how tiny, faint little lines persisted at the corners of those lips in spite of the smile. "There is no reason for excuses, monsieur," she said. "The door was open to the view of everybody." "Pourtant," said Doggie, "c'était un peu mal élevé." She laughed. "Pardon. But it's droll.

"J'étais absorbé par les blessés dans mon poste de commandement et quand je pus me rendre dans la tranchée il était, il tombait dans le coma. Ses derniers mots avaient été: 'Adieu, ma Patrie! Pourtant, il me reconnut

Le tien, comme il battait gaiment! Je m'en vais pourtant, ma petite, Bien loin, bien vite Tourjours t'aimant! Adieu, Suzon!" With the passion, fire and exquisite abandon of her singing of this verse in tones of such youthful freshness and fervour as could scarcely be equalled and never surpassed, Adderley could no longer restrain himself, and crying 'Brava! brava!

Je ne peux pourtant pas la mettre a la porte, cette cherie" whom she covered again with the gay solicitude that seemed to have in it a vibration of private entreaty: "Don't understand, my own darling don't understand!"