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His comrades trusted him by compulsion, for the hunted life led by convicts necessitates the most delicate confidence between the gentry of this crew of savages. So Jacques Collin, a defaulter for a hundred thousand crowns, might now possibly be quit for a hundred thousand francs. At this moment, as we see, la Pouraille, one of Jacques Collin's creditors, had but ninety days to live.

In the vocabulary of a prostitute, to be honest means to break none of the laws of this attachment, to give all her money to the man who is nabbed, to look after his comforts, to be faithful to him in every way, to undertake anything for his sake. In that case such a woman is considered to have no heart. La Pouraille was passionately in love with a woman, as will be seen.

I have him this time." La Pouraille was speechless at this suggestion; his eyes grew round, and he stood like an image.

But the Spaniard walked very slowly, and when he was getting near to Julien he tottered and signed to la Pouraille to give him his arm. "He is a murderer," said Napolitas to the priest, pointing to la Pouraille, and offering his own arm. "No, to me he is an unhappy wretch!" replied Jacques Collin, with the presence of mind and the unction of the Archbishop of Cambrai.

"Well," replied the master, "you see how wise it is to trust me entirely. Your revenge is now part of the hand I am playing. I do not ask you to tell me where the dibs are, you can tell me at the last moment; but tell me all about Ruffard and Godet." "You are, and you always will be, our boss; I have no secrets from you," replied la Pouraille. "My money is in the cellar at la Gonore's."

As soon as Godet and Ruffard are nabbed, they will be supposed to have got rid of what is missing from their shares. And I will make Godet believe that I have saved a hundred thousand francs for him, and that la Gonore has done the same for la Pouraille and Ruffard.

On re-entering the yard, Jacques Collin went towards his chums at a pace suited to a frequenter of the galleys. "What have you on your mind?" said he to la Pouraille. "My game is up," said the man, whom Jacques Collin led into a corner. "What I want now is a pal I can trust." "What for?"

"Very good, it is a bargain," said la Pouraille with savage glee. "You order, and I obey." And he hugged Jacques Collin in his arms, while tears of joy stood in his eyes, so hopeful did he feel of saving his head. "That is not all," said Jacques Collin; "the public prosecutor does not swallow everything, you know, especially when a new count is entered against you.

The governor having shown him everything the yards, the workshops, and the underground cells pointed to a part of the building, and said, "I need not take your Lordship there; it is the quartier des tantes." "Oh," said Lord Durham, "what are they!" "The third sex, my Lord." "And they are going to scrag Theodore!" said la Pouraille, "such a pretty boy! And such a light hand! such cheek!

This villain's disguises were so perfect, that he had served two years of imprisonment under the name of Delsouq, who was one of his own disciples, and a famous thief, though he never, in any of his achievements, went beyond the jurisdiction of the lower Courts. La Pouraille had committed no less than three murders since his dismissal from the hulks.