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"I'll give out that you have come back with the fever and that I am nursing you. Fortunately there's no doctor handy to come making inconvenient examinations." Hatteras knew something of surgery, and under his directions Walker poulticed and bandaged him until he recovered.

Gee, but you ought to have seen it last week. It was a whale of a boil," said George, "but we poulticed him, me and Dave did and now the swelling's nearly gone. You can ride him to-morrow if you like." Luxuriously Roger lit a cigar and climbed to the front seat with George.

But this should not be attempted until they are thoroughly proved. BUNIONS may be checked in their early development by binding the joint with adhesive plaster, and keeping it on as long as any uneasiness is felt. The bandaging should be perfect, and it might be well to extend it round the foot An inflamed bunion should be poulticed, and larger shoes be worn.

Then her mother, the biggest brother, and Eagle Eye poulticed the throbbing chest, put compresses on the silky neck, and poured one hot drink after another down the reluctant throat of the blue mare. They worked until midnight.

We saw him no more for months, but when we did meet him he apologised for not continuing the application. He said, "I poulticed my shoulders for three weeks, and they began to get soft, so I stopped doing it." We certainly thought his head had been soft to begin with! Why should not sensible men and women get a little independent thought of their own?

The pain was very great, he trembled and shivered: we gave him brandy, and he recovered. I poulticed the wound and went to Edwin. Atkin had got out the splinter from his wound; the arrow went in near the eye and came out by the cheek-bone: it was well syringed, and the flow of blood had been copious from the first.

When the nature of these swellings was not understood, they used to be poulticed, and to be opened with a lancet to let out their contents.

The chief would have carried her, but she would not let him. Ian therefore shod her with his Glengarry bonnet, tying it on with his handkerchief. There was much merriment over the extemporized shoe, mingled with apologetic gratitude from Christina, who, laughing at her poulticed foot, was yet not displeased at its contrast with the other.

Without stopping for food or sleep, Dannie nursed Jimmy. He rubbed, he bathed, he poulticed, he badgered the doctor and cursed his inability to do some good. To every one except Dannie, Jimmy's case was hopeless from the first. He developed double pneumonia in its worst form and he was in no condition to endure it in the lightest.

Youth is the greatest luck in the world, and I'll not copper it." And then our sporting friend grew reminiscent and told of a time at Limmer's when the marquis and he occupied beds in the same room, not unlike our boys' room only smoky and dingy and poulticed their battered faces with beef, and used usquebaugh inside and outside, after ten friendly rounds.