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Johnson, in his tour through North Wales, passed two days at the seat of Colonel Middleton, of Gwynnagag. While he remained there, the gardener found a hare amidst some potatoe plants, and brought it to his master, then engaged in conversation with the doctor. An order was given to carry it to the cook.

Quintin at luncheon. Will you allow me, Madam, to make one of your party?" Mrs. St. Quintin coloured, and faltered, and muttered out something which I was fully resolved not to hear. I took a chair, looked round the table, not too attentively, and said "Cold veal; ah! ah! nothing I like so much. May I trouble you, Mr. St. Quintin? Hollo, my little man, let's see if you can't give me a potatoe.

Bake them about half an hour, in an oven not quite so hot as for bread. The rolls will eat well, toasted and buttered. POTATOE SNOW. The whitest sort of potatoes must be selected, and free from spots. Set them over the fire in cold water; when they begin to crack, strain off the water, and put them into a clean stewpan by the side of the fire till they are quite dry, and fall to pieces.

I never could bear much drink: he knew this, and artfully plied me with wine till I scarcely knew what I did or said. He then talked much of our destitute situation affected to put himself out of the question said he was a single man, and could easily make shift upon a potatoe but that I was encumbered with a wife and child, whom I could not suffer to starve.

The last occasion on which the fair was held in this secluded spot was in the year 1625, when the plague raged at Tavistock; and there is a part of the ground, situated amidst a line of pillars marking a stone avenue a characteristic feature of the ancient aboriginal worship which is to this day pointed out and called by the name of the "Potatoe market."

I felt that my face was as red as scarlet, and I fancied everybody was looking at me, while Herman Mordaunt took on himself the office of making a reply. "The story does not lose in travelling, as a matter of course," answered our host, "though it is true in the main. We all supped with Mr. Cuyler last evening, and know that he had much more than a potatoe on the table." "All! What, the ladies?"

Taking the average of the general crop, however, I think it may be fairly stated at the above increase, without the trouble of manuring. That useful article of food, the potatoe thrives well, and returns upon an average thirty bushels for one. Indian corn is grown; and every kind of garden vegetable, with water melons, and pumpkins, comes to great perfection, when spared by the locusts.

"Not at all," said Mary, laughing blithely from the top of the ladder, as she settled the candles each into the potatoe socket prepared for it. "Salina's cross sometimes, but then it amounts to nothing."

Here the Tuscarora left the side of the stream, and came up on the rock, shaking hands, good-humouredly, with Mrs. Willoughby, who rather liked the knave; though she knew him to possess most of the vices of his class. "He very han'som beaver-dam," said Nick, sweeping his hand gracefully over the view; "bye 'nd bye, he'll bring potatoe, and corn, and cider all 'e squaw want.

I ain't tasted no wittals to-day except some cat's-meat and a cold potatoe what was given me by a cabman; but I have got a quid here, and if you are very low I'll give you half." In the meantime Lord Valentine and the Princess Stephanie of Eurasberg with some companions worthy of such a pair, were dancing a new Mazurka before the admiring assembly at Deloraine House.