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Though he controlled a newspaper in Syracuse, he had been unable to secure renomination to the legislature, and, shortly afterward, in order to secure rehabilitation as well as pelf, sought an appointment to the Syracuse postmastership.

Duncan. by the fact that these rich and powerful gentlemen were so excited over a little thing like the postmastership of Brampton. But Mr. Sutton laughed; it was not hearty, but still it might have passed muster for a laugh. "Nonsense," he exclaimed, making a fair attempt to regain his composure, "the girl's got it mixed up with something else she doesn't know what she's talking about." Mrs.

Worthington had other and more important things to think about than minor postmasters, and after his anger and yes, and momentary fear had subsided, he forgot the incident except to make a mental note to remember to deprive Mr. Prescott of his postmastership, which he believed could be done readily enough now that Jethro Bass was out of the way.

Prescott that postmastership. Er er good-by. "'Wait, sir, he said. "'Yes, I said, 'I-I'll wait. "Thought you was goin' to give him that postmastership, Mr. Bass, he said." At this point the senator could not control his mirth, and the empty corridor echoed his laughter. "By thunder! what did you say to that?" "Er I said, 'Mr. President, I thought I was until a while ago.

Wood's mother made intercession for him to Sir Nathaniel Brent, President of the Visitors and Warden of Merton, and "he was connived at and kept in his Postmastership, otherwise he had infallibly gon to the pot."

What's all this trouble about a two-for-a-cent postmastership?" "H-haven't heard of any trouble," said Jethro. "Well, there is trouble," said the senator, losing patience at last. "When I told Grant you were here and mentioned that little Brampton matter to him, it didn't seem much to me, the bees began to fly pretty thick, I can tell you. I saw right away that somebody had been stirring 'em up.

He was appointed postmaster once to pay him for some useful services, but he declined because he was really making more out of his paper than his postmastership would have brought. He received whatever city or county advertising it was in the power of the Republican leaders to give him, and so he did very well.

Cynthia did not answer this remark at all, and Mr. Sutton suspected strongly that she did not believe it, therefore he repeated it. "I always liked Ephraim. I want you to tell Jethro that I'm downright sorry I couldn't get him that Brampton postmastership." "I'll tell him that you are sorry, Mr. Sutton," replied Cynthia, gravely, "but I don't think it'll do any good." Not do any good!

Hawthorne had suggested the Salem postmastership, but when O'Sullivan mentioned this, Bancroft objected on the ground that the present incumbent was too good a man to be displaced, and proposed the consulates of Genoa and Marseilles, two deplorable positions and quite out of the question for Hawthorne, in the condition of his family at that time.

I told the President that his explanation of the order was in harmony with my own construction and interpretation of it. That is why I made the recommendation for a change in the postmastership at Summit. The change was promptly made. I then informed the President that there was another matter about which I desired to have a short talk with him, that was the recent election in Mississippi.