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Romance, more than cupidity, is what attracts the gold-brick investor. Of course, Satterlee was a poser, a fraud, a liar; the highest type of liar; the day-dreaming, well-read, genuinely inventive, highly imaginative, loving-it-for-its-own-sake liar. But to Skiddy every word he said was Gospel-true. He never doubted the captain for an instant. Life grew richer to him, stranger and more wonderful.

Here was a poser for Schiff, who saw at once that if Harriman could use the Illinois Central credit in this way, he certainly could carry out his plan. Schiff soon found that Harriman would have no difficulty in using Illinois Central credit. The upshot of the matter was that the two men got together and jointly reorganized the Union Pacific.

Perry used to take Ralph to task for not saving Ham from his iniquities, and Ralph would reply that Ham was going to the devil anyway, and not even the devil himself could stop him. "You can stop him, and you know it," Perry retorted indignantly. "What do you want me to do with him?" asked Ralph. "Convert him to the saintly life I lead?" This was a poser.

Miss Bellingham is the cleverest and most accomplished woman I have ever spoken to." This was a poser for Miss Oman, whose admiration and loyalty, I knew, were only equalled by my own. She would have liked to contradict me, but the thing was impossible. To cover her defeat she snatched up the bundle of newspapers and began to open them out.

And his first startling question was this: "Why should Mr. Lloyd George, instead of getting five thousand pounds a year for his services as prime minister, receive any more than a common labourer?" The question was a poser. The speaker folded his hands and beamed down at them; he seemed fairly to radiate benignity.

"Miss Neal died of heart disease." "Call it heart disease," confirmed the other. "Circumstances?" This was a poser. Dr. Surtaine and Hal looked at each other and looked away again. "How would this do?" suggested Ellis briskly. "Miss Neal came here to consult Dr. Surtaine on an emergency in her department at the factory, was taken ill while waiting, and was dead when he No; that don't fit.

Tenez, je l'ai vu poser Daniel Webster la sur se plancher, Daniel Webster etait le nom de la grenouille, et lui chanter: Des mouches! Daniel, des mouches! En un clin d'oeil, Daniel avait bondi et saisi une mouche ici sur le comptoir, puis saute de nouveau par terre, ou il restait vraiment a se gratter la tete avec sa patte de derriere, comme s'il n'avait pas eu la moindre idee de sa superiorite.

"You are not open with me," he protested. "Why should moments be hours to you previous to the instant when you stripped those pillows from the couch? You are not a fanciful man, nor have you any cowardly instincts. Why were you in such a turmoil going through a house where you could have expected to find nothing worse than some miserable sneak thief?" This was a poser.

The license for it was got, I feel sure, by the person who gave it to us." "Who was that person?" P.C. Roper asked, with his pencil ready to write down the name. Here was a poser. Who indeed? The children had discussed X. often enough, but were no nearer to discovering him. "I don't know," Robert was forced to say. P.C. Roper smiled a deadly smile. "Oho!" he said.

At once suggesting itself and flung in my face, it is asked as a political poser, and not without a sneer, What else or better have I to propose? Would I advise a return to old and discarded methods, Heredity, Caste, Autocracy, Plutocracy? I respectfully submit this is a question no one has a right to put, and one I am not called upon to answer. Again, let me take a concrete case.