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"Good! Through the garden take them then. Stay!" At this she cast her eyes toward the entrance of the long alley leading to the garden, which was directly opposite to, and visible from, the zaguan. Unless the portero were asleep, he could not fail to see four horses passing out in that way dark as was the night. Here, then, a new difficulty presented itself.

My former aunt, Christina de Portero, is at the happy age of between twenty-eight and thirty. Or, possibly, she is as old as thirty-two. Her figure is slender and supple, with those bold expansions of the hips which, in dancing the fandango, make short work of the skirt.

The "portero," when summoned by knock or bell, admits us by a small door, forming part of the great gate already mentioned. We traverse an arched way, the "zaguan," running through the breadth of the building, and then we are in the patio. From this we have a view of the real front of the house. The patio itself is paved with painted bricks a tessellated pavement.

This was plausible, and the groom prepared himself for a strategic encounter with the portero. "When sufficient time has elapsed, steal after me to the garden. See that you manage well, Andres. I shall double your reward. You go with me you have nothing to fear." "Senorita, I am ready to lay down my life for you." Gold is powerful.

Oh, holy Virgin! he may now be free, and waiting for me! I must haste the portero Ha!" As she uttered this exclamation she turned suddenly to Andres. A new plan seemed to have suggested itself. "Andres! good Andres! listen! We shall manage it yet!" "Si, Senorita." "Thus, then. Lead the horses out the back way, through the garden can you swim them across the stream?" "Nothing easier, my lady."

Before the treasury, in the place of old Santo, Carmen's father, stood a tall, broad portero, still a young man, who rudely refused him admittance. "Master Moor has not been here for a long time," said the gate-keeper angrily: "Artists don't wear ragged clothes, and if you don't wish to see the inside of a guard-house a place you are doubtless familiar with you had better leave at once."

"We shall not be able to pass out before papa returns, and then it may be too late. Santisima!" "Senorita, why not serve the portero as I have done the girl? I'm strong enough for that." "Oh, Vicenza! how have you secured her?" "In the garden-house, tied, gagged, and locked up. I warrant she'll not turn up till somebody finds her. No fear of her, Senorita.

Before the treasury, in the place of old Santo, Carmen's father, stood a tall, broad portero, still a young man, who rudely refused him admittance. "Master Moor has not been here for a long time," said the gate-keeper angrily: "Artists don't wear ragged clothes, and if you don't wish to see the inside of a guard-house a place you are doubtless familiar with you had better leave at once."

Gold had won the stout Andres to a fealty stronger than friendship. For gold he was ready to strangle the portero on the spot. The latter was not asleep only dozing, as a Spanish portero knows how. Andres put the stratagem in practice, he offered a cigar; and in a few minutes' time his unsuspicious fellow-servant stepped with him through the gate, and both stood smoking outside.

The door of the caballeriza was not visible from the zaguan; but at intervals the figure within the stable came forth, and, skulking along, peeped around the angle of the wall. The portero was evidently the object of his scrutiny. Having listened a while, the figure again returned to its place in the dark doorway, and stood as before.