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I know you disliked me from the first and indeed you've no reason to like me. You may think what you like, but I desire now to do all I can to efface that impression and to show that I am a man of heart and conscience. I speak sincerely." Porfiry Petrovitch made a dignified pause. Raskolnikov felt a rush of renewed alarm.

Porfiry, too, wants to make your acquaintance..." "Ah!... he too... but why did they put me down as mad?" "Oh, not mad.

Raskolnikov seated himself directly facing Porfiry, and looked at him without flinching. Porfiry screwed up his eyes and began lighting a cigarette. "Speak, speak," seemed as though it would burst from Raskolnikov's heart. "Come, why don't you speak?" "Ah these cigarettes!" Porfiry Petrovitch ejaculated at last, having lighted one.

But as soon as all anxiety for his life was over and there was no reason to worry about him, indignation got the upper hand again: everyone shunned him, as though he were a leper. "May God chastise him! May God chastise him!" my aunt shrieked, to be heard all over the house. "Get rid of him, somehow, Porfiry Petrovitch, or he will do some mischief beyond all bearing."

"Not a doubt of it," replied Razumihin. "Porfiry doesn't give his opinion, but is examining all who have left pledges with her there." "Examining them?" Raskolnikov asked aloud. "Yes. What then?" "Nothing." "How does he get hold of them?" asked Zossimov. "Koch has given the names of some of them, other names are on the wrappers of the pledges and some have come forward of themselves."

No, carefully would not be natural again.... Oh, well, we shall see how it turns out.... We shall see... directly. Is it a good thing to go or not? The butterfly flies to the light. My heart is beating, that's what's bad!" "In this grey house," said Razumihin. "The most important thing, does Porfiry know that I was at the old hag's flat yesterday... and asked about the blood?

There's no denying that Raskolnikov had compromised himself seriously, but no facts had come to light as yet; there was nothing positive. But was he taking a true view of the position? Wasn't he mistaken? What had Porfiry been trying to get at? Had he really some surprise prepared for him? And what was it? Had he really been expecting something or not?

Bazarov assented, saying 'that he ought to prepare himself beforehand for the duties awaiting him as a country doctor. 'You must be careful, observed Anna Sergyevna; 'Porfiry Platonitch and I will beat you. And you, Katya, she added, 'play something to Arkady Nikolaevitch; he is fond of music, and we can listen, too.

"Well, I see you are not one of the chicken-hearted brigade," Anton Stepanitch interrupted in a half-contemptuous, half-condescending tone! "One can see the Hussar at once!" "I shouldn't be afraid of you in any case," Porfiry Kapitonitch observed, and for an instant he really did look like a Hussar. "But listen to the rest. A neighbour came to see me, the very one with whom I used to play cards.

"I was awfully sick of them yesterday." Raskolnikov addressed Porfiry suddenly with a smile of insolent defiance, "I ran away from them to take lodgings where they wouldn't find me, and took a lot of money with me. Mr. Zametov there saw it. I say, Mr. Zametov, was I sensible or delirious yesterday; settle our dispute."