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"I mentioned," the doctor said, "in a sort of casual way, that treasure is generally buried in the earth rather than set afloat upon the sea. At this my Sotillo slapped his forehead. 'Por Dios, yes, he said; 'they must have buried it on the shores of this harbour somewhere before they sailed out."

Tho. Han yo getten a mother, lad? Bill. No, thank ye. 'Ain't got no mother. Come of a haunt, I do. First Boy. Game! ain't he? Tho. Well, aw'll tak yo whoam to yor aunt aw wull. Bill. Will you now, old chap? Wery well. Tho. Tell mo wheer's por aunt, or aw'll breyk every bone i' yor body. Let me go, I say. Let me go and I'll tell ye. I will indeed, sir. Tho.

Therefore, we are all of opinion that this offer of surrender should be accepted. We war for the freedom of our country, and have no thirst for the blood of these English sahibs, still less for that of their wives and children." Some of the officers angrily protested, but Por Sing stood firm, and the other chiefs were equally determined.

The following information relative to the conduct of the Insurgents in the Cagayan valley is chiefly taken from manuscript copy of "Historia de la Conquista de Cagayan por los Tagalos Revolucionarios," in which the narratives of certain captured friars are transcribed and compiled by Father Julian Malumbres of the Dominican Order. The formal surrender of Aparri occurred on August 26.

VECINA. Soy la Nicolasa, señora ... la mujer del guarda de a caballo ... que vive en ese otro cuarto ... ya se ve ... su señoría no se acordará de ... porque nunca me ha visto ... o por mejor decir nunca me ha mirado a la cara, cuando me ha encontrado al subir o bajar del coche ... aunque yo saludo siempre ... pero doña Manuela la doncella me conoce muy bien ... y le habrá hablado de a su señoría ... toma si le habrá hablado muchas veces ... como que por ella me tomó su señoría el otro día aquella pieza de batista.

But when she approached the meeting of the roads where the Por' Santa Maria would be on her right-hand and the Ponte Vecchio on her left, she found herself involved in a crowd who suddenly fell on their knees; and she immediately knelt with them. The Cross was passing the Great Cross of the Duomo which headed the procession.

"Por Dios! you can't touch him with a million." I'd like to take that record back and show it to Billy Renfrow some day; and that tightens my grip whenever I see a fat thing that I could corral just by winking one eye and losing my graft. By , they can't monkey with me. They know it. What money I get I make honest and spend it. Some day I'll make a pile and go back and eat caviare with Billy.

A few years later came the word that he had been assassinated by one of his lieutenants in Lower California, and his body eaten by wild hogs. "Al contado plasentero Del primer beso de amor, Un fuego devorador Que en mi pecho siento ardor. "Y no me vuelvas a besar Por que me quema tu aliento, Ya desfayeserme siento, Mas enbriagada de amor.

Y con esta vostra tan senallada merced y fauor que en esso reciberemos, quedaremos nosotros con grandissima obligation a vostra Alteza de seruir la por ello, segun que el dicho Sennor Iuan Tipton, a quien nos reportamos de todo lo demas, mejor informira vostra Alteza: Cuya serenissima persona y estado supplicamos y pidimos a Dios omnipotente prosperu y accrescente con toda felicitad y honra.

"Por Dios! if that infernal Seven of Spades had left any dollars in my purse, I should have considered them in danger of being taken out of it just now."