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His whole mind is written in that inscription on the Palazzo della Signoria, the substance of which was his maxim as early as 1495, and which was solemnly renewed by his partisans in 1527: 'Jesus Christus Rex populi Florentini S.P.Q. decreto creatus. He stood in no more relation to mundane affairs and their actual conditions than any other inhabitant of a monastery.

These are they alone who have distinguished Florence by the histories that they have written. The pride of the citizen and a just sense of the value of history, together with sound remarks upon Venice and Milan, mingle curiously in this passage with the pedantry of a fifteenth-century scholar. Poggio's Historia Populi Florentini is given in the XXth volume of Muratori's collection.

Now, gentleman of the jury, you have heard the evidence. Do you find the prisoner guilty or not guilty? 'Not guilty, my lord, said I. 'Vox populi, vox Dei. You are acquitted, Captain Crocker. So long as the law does not find some other victim you are safe from me. Come back to this lady in a year, and may her future and yours justify us in the judgment which we have pronounced this night!

As the title of Gesta Populi Romani was given to the Aeneid on its appearance, so the Historiae ab Urbe Condita might be called, with no less truth, a funeral eulogy consummatio totius vitae et quasi funebris laudatio delivered, by the most loving and most eloquent of her children, over the grave of the great Republic.

Vox Populi, that you are a member of the legislature; it is also true that you are possessed of a mind as emaciated as the mass of corrupt matter that encircles it. But although you belong to the house of representatives, I trust you are not the mouth of that honourable body; and, if not, pray who authorised you to inform the publick of the motives for their conduct?

Cosimo succeeded in the same year, and won the title of Grand Duke, which he transmitted to a line of semi-Austrian princes. The flux of Florence struck a Venetian profoundly. The Gonfalonier Capponi put up a tablet on the Public Palace, in 1528, to this effect: 'Jesus Christus Rex Florentini Populi S.F. decreto electus. This inscription is differently given.

The evils of the whole attach to the part and the beneficent aspect of the courts pertain equally to jury trials. Coming down to a concrete case and leaving the abstract principle to the theorist, there are certain obvious things to be said for and against jury trial. The jury represents the opinion of the common or ordinary man the vox populi.

Here, at any rate, the vox populi is divine. The magnificent quintet in this act of "Die Meistersinger" also affords proof that if Wagner banished concerted music from his later works, it was not because he lacked inspiration for that kind of work. Although extremely Wagnerian in its harmonies, it is one of those numbers which even Wagner's enemies admire.

God appeared to man, then, as a me, as a pure and permanent essence, placing himself before him as a monarch before his servant, and expressing himself now through the mouth of poets, legislators, and soothsayers, musa, nomos, numen; now through the popular voice, vox populi vox Dei.

They love their paltry selves so much that they count it a greater sin to kill oneself than to kill another man which seems to me absolutely devilish. Therefore, the vox populi, whether it be the vox Dei or not, is not nonsense merely, but absolute wickedness. Why shouldn't a man kill himself? Clara was looking on rather than listening, and her interest seemed that of amusement only.