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In the year 133 A.D. Hadrian granted immunity from taxes and military service to physicians in recognition of their public services. The city and district physicians, known as the archiatri populaires, treated and cared for the poor without remuneration, having a position and salary fixed by law and paid them semi-annually.

Contes Populaires Slaves, traduits par Louis Leger. Paris: Leroux, Editeur. Once upon a time there lived a peasant called Ivan, and he had a wife whose name was Marie.

W. Gregor, "Quelques coutumes du Nord-est du Comté d'Aberdeen," Revue des Traditions populaires, iii. p. 485 B. Compare Spirits of the Corn and of the Wild, i. 158 sq. F. Grabowsky, "Der Distrikt Dusson Timor in Südost-Borneo und seine Bewohner," Das Ausland, 1884, No. 24, p. 470. Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition made by Charles F. Hall, edited by Prof.

Cf., in French, G. Variot, "Origine des Préjugés Populaires sur les Envies," Bulletin Société d'Anthropologie, Paris, June 18, 1891. Variot rejects the doctrine absolutely, Bloch accepts it, Ballantyne speaks cautiously. J.G. Kiernan has shown how many of the alleged cases are negatived by the failure to take this fact into consideration.

How many wise men have fallen On his traces, the traces of an impostor, From Babors unto Guerrouma! This joker has ruined the country He ravaged the world while he laughed; By his fault he has made of this land a desert." R. Basset, L'insurrection Algerienne, de 1871 dans les chansons populaires Khabyles Lourain, 1892.

The dates of composition of his principal works are: "Miroirs," 1905; "Sonatine," 1905; "Gaspard de la Nuit," 1908; "Valses nobles et sentimentales," 1911; "Ma Mère l'Oye," 1908; "Histoires naturelles," 1906; "Cinq Mélodies populaires grecques," 1907; "Trois Poèmes de Mallarmé," 1913; "Quatuor

He had plenty of money and, as he knew what the financial situation was, he went to the rehearsals and corrupted the artists. For the most part they were young people in needy circumstances and could not refuse his attractive propositions. He killed Seghers's society and built on its ruins the Société des Jeunes Artistes, which later became the Concerts Populaires.

After having been conductor for the Société des jeunes artistes du Conservatoire since 1851, in the Salle Herz, he founded, in 1861, at the Cirque d'Hiver, with the financial support of a rich moneylender, the first Concerts populaires de musique classique. Unhappily, says M. Saint-Saëns, Pasdeloup, even up to 1870, made an almost exclusive selection of German classical works.

The tales of ancient Egypt have appeared collectively only in French, in the charming volume of Maspero's "Contes Populaires"; while some have been translated into English at scattered times in volumes of the "Records of the Past." But research moves forward; and translations that were excellent twenty years ago may now be largely improved, as we attain more insight into the language.

Was Carrière a decorative painter by nature setting aside training? We doubt it, though Morice does not hesitate to name him after Puvis de Chavannes in this field. The trouble is that he did not make many excursions into the larger forms. He painted a huge canvas, Les Théâtres Populaires, in which the interest is more intimate than epical.