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Don't I use fine words, father? That's because I understand the subject so thoroughly." "Quite so, Polly. Now I must be going. Good-night, my dear." "But my plan you must stay to hear it. Do you see this box? It has little divisions. I popped them all in before dinner to-day. There is a lock and key to the box, and the lock is a strong one." "Well, Polly?"

I see myself there warn't no sense in the tale, to chop square off that way before it come to anything, but I warn't going to say so, because I could see Tom was souring up pretty fast over the way it flatted out and the way Jim had popped on to the weak place in it, and I don't think it's fair for everybody to pile on to a feller when he's down.

The tyre popped off with a report like that of a small revolver, and the next second I was bumping on the frame. I pulled up as quickly as I could, but the mischief was done and the tyre was just one great rip from end to end. Luckily I carried a spare wheel, but I am an unhandy man at the merely mechanical part of the work, and I took twice as long over it as a professional would have.

He's a wolf, and he's got the tricks of a wolf, he skulked ahead of 'em with a little pack of his rustlers and led 'em into his trap, then the men he had hid there and ready they popped up as thick as grass. They've got fifty of my men shut up there where they can't git to water, and where they can't fight back. Now, what do you think of that?"

He had scarce taken ten steps when a turnkey popped out from a corner and stood sentinel over his room-door, barring all return. Mr. Eden smiled and passed on along the corridor. He descended from the first floor to the basement. Here he found Hawes affecting business, but not skillfully enough to hide that he was watching Mr. Eden out.

Then in a blind confused way, with the water seeming to thunder in my ears, I loosened my hold, and almost directly my head popped out into the fresh air, and I swam to the boat amidst a furious burst of cheering. I felt quite ashamed, and hardly knew what was said to me, for the idea was strong upon me that I had failed.

Pretty soon the old gentleman heard a gnawing, rustling sound and up out of a hole in the ground popped two big rats, with red eyes. "Did Higgledee Piggledee lay any eggs today?" asked one rat, in a whisper. "Yes," spoke the other, "she did." "Then we will take them," said the first rat. "Hurray! More eggs for us! No gentlemen will get these eggs because we'll take them ourselves. Hurray!"

"One day as a Great-great-ever-so-great-grandfather Frog sat with just his head out of water, wondering what it would seem like to have his stomach really filled, a school of little fish came swimming about him, and it popped into his head that if little fish were good for big fish to eat, they might be good for a Frog to eat.

But he was alone. Captain Trigger had dashed out of the cabin in the wake of the First Officer. Algernon Adonis Percival stared blankly at the open door. "Good Lord, why all this excitement over a couple of bums?" he said, addressing space. "If they were working for me, I'd thank the Lord to be rid of 'em so cheaply. They Hello!" The Second Officer popped into the room.

The sugary party had come to a mountainous spot down below the sea, and they found a minute garden there, full of curly fruits. Suddenly a bold gnome popped up his dainty head from behind a rock, saying, 'Welcome, Englishmen! You are in the cave of accident. Look out for yourselves. As he spoke, his watery head fell off. The hysterical gnome immediately clapped it on wrong side before.