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"I don't hurt her; do I, Daisy?" and Demi turned to his sister, who was "pooring" Nan's tingling hands, and recommending water for the purple lump rapidly developing itself on her forehead. "You are the best boy in the world," promptly answered Daisy; adding, as truth compelled her to do, "You hurt me sometimes, but you don't mean to."

Poor Cass'us dying, just as he'd got things to his liking; the losing of the title deed and your journeying to Los Angeles to get it back." "Not 'lost, Aunt Sally. Poor Antonio hid it at El Desierto, in the cave of the Three Rocks. He " "Cat's foot! Don't you go to 'pooring' that snaky sneak, or you and me'll fall out. I should hate that." "So should I. But you've set me thinking, too.

"My dee gamma, I so solly you's sick!" said she, stroking Mrs. Parlin's face, and picking open her eyelids. But after patting and "pooring" the dear lady for some time, she thought she had made her "all well," and then was anxious to get away. Mrs. Parlin wished to keep her up stairs as long as possible, because Ruth had a toothache. "Shan't I tell you a story, dear?" said she.

It has happened to every one of us, I don't know why, but every mother's son or daughter of us can look back to the time when we habitually referred to some acquaintance or friend as "poor So-and-So"; and the curious part of it is that if one pauses to consider the why or wherefore of such naming, one is almost sure to find that, financially at least, "poor So-and-So" is better off than the person who is doing the "pooring."

I can understand how he had to keep his word and do his best for the company which thought father had wronged it; and I can also understand that he was as glad as we to find their money safe with the poor banker who was killed, Luis Garcia's father." "'Pooring' again are you? Another scamp, too." "Oh, Aunt Sally! He's dead!" remonstrated Jessica, in awestruck tones. "And a fine job he is.

Slowly the minutes went by, and Morris became at last aware that Wilford's eyes, instead of resting on the pallid face which seemed to grow each moment more pallid and ghastly, were fixed on him with an expression which made him drop the pale hand he held between his own, pooring it occasionally as a mother might poor and pity the hand of her dying baby.

I had not yet recovered from my own bewilderment, and was reckless of the shock inflicted by my reply. "Pooring her head, and kissing it." "To each his sufferings; all are men Condemned alike to groan. The tender for another's pain " GRAY. Not even the miser's funeral had produced in the neighbourhood anything like the excitement which followed that Sunday evening.

But Sylvia drew the little marplot close to her with a warning word, and there she stayed, quietly amusing herself with "pooring" the silvery dress, smelling the flowers and staring at the Bishop. After this, all prospered.