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"The case against you is squashed." "The Pooles will have to let it drop," added the shipowner's son. "And I am mighty glad of it." "I hope you are right," said Dave, and his face showed his relief. They had to tell Ben all about what had happened. Then the latter wanted to see the bear target, and the crowd ended by doing some more target practicing.

The duffer is going to join the tennis-club he was at the Pooles' dance. I was simply flabbergasted. He's a duffer."

On that day she shed bitter tears. Lydia spared her all that was most painful. She said that the old man had fallen insensible by the Pooles' house, had been taken in by them, and had died. She said that just before the end he uttered Thyrza's name. And Thyrza had thought too seldom of Mr. Boddy, to whom she and her sister owed so much.

The Pooles had extinguished the lamps at the back of the house, and of course ere this the great barn itself was shrouded in darkness. The snow came thicker and faster. They were in the midst of a world of white and had there been any shelter at all at hand, Neale would have insisted upon taking advantage of it. But there was nothing of the kind. "Trix is going to stay all night with Carrie.

"Oh! well!" and after a moment's pause, "but you have never asked me one word about our dinner at the Pooles yesterday." "Did you go then? I have made no enquiries, because I concluded you must have been obliged to give up the party." "Oh yes! I went. I was very well yesterday; nothing at all the matter with me till this morning. It would have been strange if I had not gone."

No need, of course, of attempting even the most summary sketch of the styles and ordinary subjects of the great painters who bear aloft the banner of the British school of art of Landseer's glimpses of the Highlands; or Stanfield's skyey, breezy landscapes; of the quiet pieces of English rural scenery meadows, and woodland glades, and river bits, fresh and rich, and green and natural of our Lees, our Creswicks, our Coopers, our Witheringtons, our Redgraves, our Ausdills; of the classic elegance and elevated sentiment of groups by our Dyces and our Eastlakes; of the abundance of clever genre subjects scenes from history or romance poured in by our Wards, our Friths, our Pooles, our Elmores, our Eggs; or of last, not least the strange but clever vagaries of that new school, the pre-Raphaelites, who are startling both Academy and public by the quaintness of their art-theories, and the vehement intensity of their style of execution.

We found no fresh water among these Islands, but onely snow water, whereof we found great pooles. We found also birch and willow growing like shrubbes low to the ground. These people haue great store of furres as we iudge.

'No, thank you; not to-night. 'Do as I tell you! said the other, with good-natured persistence. 'I believe you're ashamed of your work, and that's why you're running away. Come in at once. Lydia yielded, though seemingly with reluctance. They went down into the kitchen, where the two young Pooles were at an uproarious game.

That Trix girl is so mean I know she'll just work us out of any invitation to the party." Agnes' eyes flashed and it looked as though a storm was coming. But Ruth remained tranquil. "There will be other parties," the older girl said. "It won't kill us to miss this one." "Speak for yourself!" complained Agnes. "It just kill us with some of the girls. The Pooles are very select.

And the lande is full of many beastes, as redd dere, fallowe dere and hares, and likewise of lakes and pooles of freshe water, with greate plentie of fowles convenient for all plesaunte game. This lande is in latitude of 34. degrees with goodd and holesome ayre, temperate, betwene hote and colde; no vehement winds doe blowe in these regions, &c.