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"No, I went to see old Bell about it again yesterday, but he pooh-poohs it and tells me to go on rubbing in the liniment and get the footman to help when I am tired. Well, I obeyed orders, but it hasn't done me much good, and how the deuce rheumatism can give a fellow a bruise on the leg, I don't know." "A bruise on the leg?" I said astonished.

If the raven's body be elusive his tongue assuredly is not. No other animal save man has anything like his vocal range. The raven croaks, clucks, caws, chuckles, squalls, pleads, "pooh-poohs," grunts, barks, mimics small birds, hectors, cajoles yes, pulls a cork, whets a scythe, files a saw with his throat.

"It must be most exciting," declared the girl, "to live in such uncertainty. Is the danger so very real, then?" she asked. "Father generally pooh-poohs the notion of there being any further trouble with Germany." "I know," was Blanche's answer. "He has been sceptical hitherto. He is always suspicious of the Boche!"

"Uh-huh!" says I. "We take back the pooh-poohs, eh?" The next number was diff'rent, but just as good. At the finish of the fourth a wide old dame in the middle row unpins a cluster of orchids from her belt and aims 'em enthusiastic at the stage. Course they swats a dignified old boy three seats beyond me back of the ear; but that starts the floral offerings. I gets a quick nudge from Vee.

The New Woman pooh-poohs the Old; the Old Woman is indignant with the New. The Chapel denounces the Stage; the Stage ridicules Little Bethel; the Minor Poet sneers at the world; the world laughs at the Minor Poet. Man criticizes Woman. We are not altogether pleased with woman. We discuss her shortcomings, we advise her for her good.

This being done, he and his comrade mounted their horses and rode on. Some of us the hunter-naturalist, the Englishman, and myself dismounted and imitated Ike of course under a volley of laughter and "pooh-poohs" from Besancon, the Kentuckian, and the doctor; but we had not ridden two hundred paces until the joke changed sides.