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Tell me, and I'll do 't." "Wi' the broken whisky-bottle, man. That's at the root o' a' the mischeef. It's no you. It's the drink. And eh! Alec, we micht be richt happy thegither efter that. I wad mak a scholar o' ye." "Weel, Mr Cupples, ye hae a richt to demand o' me what ye like; for henceforth ye hae the pooer o' life or deith ower me.

The stranger was robed in some kin' o' a plaid, like the gude man himsel', but whether a lowlan' or a hielan' plaid, he cudna tell. But the face o' the man that was ane no to be forgotten an' that for the verra freenliness o' 't! An' whan he spak, it was as gien a' the v'ices o' them 'at had gane afore, war made up intil ane, for the sweetness an' the pooer o' the same.

I sweir I'll lie i' the street gin ye dinna lat me. I'll sleep as soun' 's Peter MacInnes whan Maccleary's preachin'. An' I winna ate muckle I hae a dreidfu' pooer o' aitin' an' a' 'at I gether I'll fess hame to you, to du wi' 't as ye like. Man, I cairriet a heap o' things the day till the skipper o' that boat 'at ye gaed intil wi' Maister Ericson the nicht. He's a fine chiel' that skipper!

"There's nae pooer in heaven or airth like luve," Marget said to me afterwards; "it maks the weak strong and the dumb tae speak. Oor herts were as water afore Tammas's words, an' a' saw the doctor shake in his saddle. A' never kent till that meenut hoo he hed a share in a'body's grief, an' carried the heaviest wecht o' a' the Glen.

"There's nae pooer in heaven or airth like luve," Marget said to me afterward; "it mak's the weak strong and the dumb tae speak. Oor herts were as water afore Tammas's words, an' a' saw the doctor shake in his saddle. A' never kent till that meenut hoo he hed a share in a'body's grief, an' carried the heaviest wecht o' a' the Glen.

When Malcolm came to Mrs Catanach's assertion that she knew more of him than he did himself "Then she peliefs ta voman does, my poy. We are aall poth of us in ta efil voman's power," said Duncan sadly. "Never a hair, daddy!" cried Malcolm. "A' pooer 's i' the han's o' ane, that's no her maister. Ken she what she likes, she canna pairt you an' me, daddy." "God forpid!" responded Duncan.

"You'll hear from me in the morning, my lad," said the marquis in a kindly tone, as they were leaving the room. "I hae no wuss to hear onything mair o' yer lordship. Ye hae done eneuch this nicht, my lord, to mak ye ashamed o' yersel' till yer dyin' day gien ye hed ony pooer o' shame left in ye." The military youth muttered something about insolence, and made a step towards him.

I needna say the bridegroom wasna there. Some fowk thoucht it a guid sign that he hadna cairried the body wi' him; but maybe he was ower suddent scared by the fut o' the priest's horse upo' the drawbrig, an' dauredna bide his oncome. Sae the fower fut stane wa' had to flee afore him, for a throu gang to the Prence o' the Pooer o' the Air.

The horror stricken expression of Malcolm's face drew a second merry laugh from Mr Graham. "They can't burn me," he said: "you needn't look like that." "But there's something terrible wrang, sir, whan sic men hae pooer ower sic a man. "They have no power but what's given them. I shall accept their decision as the decree of heaven." "It's weel to be you, sir 'at can tak a thing sae quaiet."

I have been readin' o' what a clever doctor chield has accomplished i' Edinbro' by the pooer o' mind upon mind 'Ye mean Christian Science Faith-Healing? queried his companion scornfully. 'Na, na, returned the Minister, 'he ca's it Psycho-therapeutics an' has worked miracles by it.