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"My commuters wouldn't rest till they got a parlourcar. They've hitched it back of all, and it hauls worsen a snow-plough. I'll snap her off someday sure, and then they'll blame every one except their foolselves. They'll be askin' me to haul a vestibuled next!" "They made you in New Jersey, didn't they?" said Poney. "Thought so.

"'Think of that, Jack, the Borghese poney, with the silky tail; mine Oh! what a dear good old soul; it was the very thing of all others I longed for, for they told me the princess had refused every offer for it.

I told him where I was going, and he promised to follow me instantly, without fail; and he kept his word, for he overtook me upon his grey poney before I reached the town. When I drove into Warminster, the town was as still and as quiet as possible, without any of those bustling indications which I had been accustomed to witness at a public meeting.

On the stroke of eleven I pull out; and I'm timed for thirty-five an hour. Costly-perishable-fragile, immediate that's me! Suburban traffic's only but one degree better than switching. Express freight's what pays." "Well, I ain't given to blowing, as a rule," began the Pittsburgh Consolidation. "No? You was sent in here because you grunted on the grade," Poney interrupted.

Then I was glad that I had made her my little openin' address, 'cause she had joyfulled up like a desert poney when he smells water. Well, I put in a rich an' useful day, as the preacher sez.

"'I rayther think he has, said the old gentleman, half testily. "'And can trot a bit, too. "'Twelve Irish miles in fifty minutes, with my weight. Here he looked down at a paunch like a sugar hosghead. "'Maybe he's not bad across a country, said I, rather to humour the old fellow, who, I saw, was proud of his poney.

My Mother rode upon our little poney and Fanny and I walked by her side or rather ran, for my Mother is so fond of riding fast that she galloped all the way. You may be sure that we were in a fine perspiration when we came to our place of resting.

Her parents-in-law had remained in town, and she enjoyed being alone with her husband, exploring and appraising the treasures of the great half abandoned house, and watching her boy scamper over the June meadows or trot about the gardens on the poney his stepfather had given him. Paul, after Mrs.

My father, having convinced himself of my capability, as well as my determination to persevere in acquiring the practical manual knowledge of the various branches belonging to husbandry, now said that he was not only satisfied, but extremely well pleased, with the progress I had made; and, therefore, I should now have a respite from such incessant labour, and should take my poney and accompany him round the farms, to inspect and to assist him in giving directions to the workmen.

While meditating how I was to get across the river, not knowing there was a ford in the neighbourhood, my poney, which had come the road in the morning to meet me, settled the question, by suddenly darting off, through a gap in the hedge at the road-side, down the river bank, at the top of his speed, and, before I could collect my scattered senses, was across the stream and up the opposite bank, to my no small surprise and pleasure.