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When, upon the following evening, the surviving boarders gathered to their accustomed places, they beheld in wonderment a splendid pone, savory and hot, flanked upon its left by the old yellow pitcher filled to its brim with rich, sweet milk. A moment later, and all eyes were turned to the open door through which a once familiar figure moved to his seat.

"Son," said the mountaineer quietly, "you tell whutever you please about me." The curiously gentle smile had never left the bearded lips, but in his voice a slight proud change was perceptible. "An' you can take back yo' corn pone, honey." Then dropping the food in his hand back to the ground, he noiselessly melted into the bushes again.

For such a man waits a crown of enduring bays. Slices of this savory ham, fried in a skillet the truth of history forces the reluctant confession that the march of progress had not yet brought the grid-iron and its virtues to the mountains a hot pone of golden-yellow meal, whose steaming sweetness had not been allowed to distill off, but had been forced back into the loaf by the hot oven-lid; coffee as black and strong as the virile infusions which cheer the hearts of the true believers in the tents of the Turk, and cream from cows that cropped the odorous and juicy grasses of mountain meadows, made a breakfast that could not have been more appetizing if composed by a French CHEF, and garnished by a polyglot bill-of-fare.

No more would he take, however, than what he thought he could get along with one blanket from the bed and, from the fireplace, a little bacon and a pone of corn-bread. "An' I KNOW Aunt Jane wouldn't 'a' keered about these leetle fixin's, fer I have to have 'em, an' I know I've earned 'em anyways."

The old woman had put guile into her pipe as well as tobacco, and she hoped its smoke would blind suspicious eyes if any were hunting for a stray Yankee. Chunk's pone and bacon had been put near the fire to keep warm, and Scoville looked at the viands longingly. At last he ventured to whisper, "Aun' Jinkey, I am as hungry as a wolf." "Hesh!" said the old woman softly.

How far is it?" "A long seven miles, and all that isn't stump is mud hole. Better put up here till morning. A bite of pork and pone, washed down with a cup of hot coffee, will make a new man of you." "Thank you, my friend, but we are in some hurry. What direction shall we take?" The tavern-keeper gave the desired information, with tedious minuteness.

RECIPE FOR AN ASH-CAKE Take a lot of water and add to it a lot of coarse Indian-meal and about a quarter of a lot of salt. Mix well together, knead into the form of a "pone," and let the pone stand awhile not on its edge, but the other way. Rake away a place among the embers, lay it there, and cover it an inch deep with hot ashes.

Tiene su raíz de vida en la filosofía e instituciones del mundo moderno y en las condiciones cada vez más difíciles en que pone a la mujer la lucha por la existencia.

As a matter of especial grace upon the part of the good landlady, an old-fashioned corn pone and a pitcher of sweet milk appeared occasionally upon the supper table of this most excellent inn. Such visitations were truly regarded, even by the veterans, as very oases in the desert of life.

He war by here when I was curin' up dis barn, an' stopped in an' looked at it, an' axed a power ob questions, an' got Lugena ter bring him out some buttermilk an' a corn pone. Den he went up an' sot an hour in de school an' sed ez how he war mighty proud ter see one of his ole nigga's gittin' on dat er way." "Wal, now, that was kind of him, wasn't it?"