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If anywhere near, do come and see me, and we will talk about that striking philosophical theory of yours." Lashmar bit his lip. All at once he saw Mrs. Toplady's smile, and it troubled him. None the less did he ponder her letter, re-reading it several times. Presently he mused with uneasiness on the fact that Iris might even now be writing to Mrs. Toplady.

Fulkerson let him ponder it silently, and his daughter governed her impatience by holding her fan against her lips. Whatever the process was in the colonel's mind, he said at last: "I see no good reason for declining to act for you, Mr. Fulkerson, and I shall be very happy if I can be of service to you.

In terror of what might be approaching him from behind, he was struggling wildly to extricate them. Peril upon peril! What if in the contortions of his mighty muscles he pulled off the wheel, and the carriage toppled over, every cage in it so twisted and wrenched that the bearings of its iron bars gave way! The results were too terrible to ponder!

It was as if he had never been. Thus mantled in mystery, his image assumed a sublimity and grandeur in my imagination, dark and oppressive as night. I would sit and ponder over his mystic attributes, till he seemed like those gods of mythology, who, veiling their divinity in clouds, came down and wooed the daughters of men.

A waiter, with his face shaved blue, brought me a bottle of Rhine wine, a tumbler of cracked ice, and a siphon. "'Does monsieur desire anything else? he inquired. "'Yes the head of the cathedral bell-ringer; bring it with vinegar and potatoes, I said, bitterly. Then I began to ponder on my great-aunt and the Crimson Diamond. "The white walls of the Hôtel St.

"Yes, Aunt Gary; I think they would like it. You know they cannot read it for themselves." "They would like it. And you would be delighted, wouldn't you?" "Yes, Aunt Gary. I should like it better than anything." "You are a funny child! There is not a bit of your mother in you except your obstinacy." And my aunt seemed to ponder my difference. "Would Mr. Edwards object to it, do you think?

She was promised to become his wife, but through all these years she protects by her silence the murderer of her lover. Ponder on this thought, Bertrand Ballard, and pray God you may have the strength to be just." Bertrand walked homeward with bowed head. It was Saturday.

I laughed, begged old grannie's pardon, and set off to see Turner notwithstanding, leaving her to read and ponder Shepherd's letter. "What do you think, Turner?" I said, and told him the case. He looked rather grave. "When would you think of going?" he asked. "About the beginning of June." "Nearly two months," he said, thoughtfully.

And yet another thing will I tell thee, and do thou ponder it in thy heart. Put thy ship to land in secret, and not openly, on the shore of thy dear country; for there is no more faith in woman.

A drip from above made a plash about once in a minute in the pool; and the murmur from without was so subdued appeared to be so swallowed up in vastness and gloom that the minute drop was loud in comparison. Lady Carse lay down on the soft sand, to rest, and listen, and think to ponder plans of hiding and escape.