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"It is but my own business if I laugh or if I curse, effendi," he replied, his hand shaking a little on the stem of the narghileh. "Precisely, my diaphanous polyandrist; but it isn't quite your own affair what you laugh at not if I know it!" "Does the effendi think I was laughing at him?" "The effendi thinks not.

Shameless polyandrist, she maintains several consorts from three to five seems to be the average number and they, semi-transparent, feeble, meek, subdued little fellows, maintain precarious isolated existences in the outskirts of the web.

"It is but my own business if I laugh or if I curse, effendi," he replied, his hand shaking a little on the stem of the narghileh. "Precisely, my diaphanous polyandrist; but it isn't quite your own affair what you laugh at not if I know it!" "Does the effendi think I was laughing at him?" "The effendi thinks not.

A woman is never really happy unless she is talking to two men, woman being at heart a polyandrist." "Doris, you know me so well that you can invent my conversations." "Yes, I think I can. You have not changed; I have not forgotten you though we have not seen each other for five years; and now go on, tell me about Gertrude." "Well, sitting beside her on the sofa "

Then this so sweet maid is a polyandrist, and me, with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits, all gone, even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife, am bigamist." "I don't see where the joke comes in there either!" I said, and I did not feel particularly pleased with him for saying such things. He laid his hand on my arm, and said,