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The first enclosure merely acknowledged, in conventional words, the receipt of certain returns posted by him last Friday. The second ran New Bank Premises: Polpier Branch. The Board has, in its confidence, entrusted you with almost complete discretion in this matter; and possibly you may find it difficult, at this juncture, to delay matters as suggested. If so, please advise.

The writin's sloped backwards too, with a rake on it, same as was fash'nable on some o' the tea-clippers in my young days, but now 'tis seldom carried 'nless by a few steam-yachts." "Well, hand me over the thing I'll risk it," said Nicky-Nan. He took the missive and glanced at the address "Mr N. Nanjivell, Naval Reservist, Polpier R.S.O., Cornwall."

It would be a mighty fine thing though a novelty in Polpier to have one's memory kept alive in this fashion. . . . He would lord it in life too, as became a Nanjivell albeit the last of the race.

Throughout Saturday the children were as their mother agreed "fair out of hand." But this may have been because the mothers themselves were gossiping whilst their men slumbered. All Polpier women even the laziest knit while they talk: and from nine o'clock onwards the alley-ways that pass for streets were filled with women knitting hard and talking at the top of their voices.

But Miss Oliver stood in front of him, with a smile on her face that seemed to waver the more she fixed it: and at this moment the voice of Mrs Pengelly a deep contralto called "Come in!" Some women are comfortable, others uncomfortable. In the language of Polpier, "there be bitter and there be bowerly." Mrs Pengelly was a bowerly woman, and traded in lollipops. Miss Oliver

Indeed, for some days the children knew more about it than he, being tragically concerned in it poor mites! though they took it gaily enough. For Polpier lives by the fishery, and of the fishermen a large number some scores had passed through the Navy and now belonged to the Reserve.

"There was never such a place as Polpier for tittle-tattle. They've even gone so far as to set it about that it came from Germany: which was the reason you haven't joined up with the colours." "What came from Germany?" "And of course it is partly your own fault, isn't it? if you will make such a secret of the thing? . . . Yet, I'm sure I don't blame you.

'Beida who for a year or so had been taken more and more into her mother's confidence suddenly found herself up against a dead wall of mystery and obstinacy. The growing girl was puzzled driven to consult 'Bert about it; and a Polpier woman is driven far before she seeks advice from husband or brother. She might have spared herself the humiliation, too.

After a moment's silence Mrs Polsue rallied. "I was saying that this War didn't surprise me. The wonder to me is, the Almighty's wrath hasn't descended on this nation long before. He must be more patient than you or me, Charity Oliver; or else more blind, which isn't to be supposed. Take Polpier, now.

To be sure nobody was likely to be astir at that hour: for Polpier lies late abed on Sunday mornings, the fishermen claiming it as their week's arrears of sleep. None the less it might happen: Un' Benny, for example, was a wakeful old man, given to rising from his couch unreasonably and walking abroad to commune with his Maker.