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'As regards that young horse, said Mahbub, 'I say that when a colt is born to be a polo-pony, closely following the ball without teaching when such a colt knows the game by divination then I say it is a great wrong to break that colt to a heavy cart, Sahib! 'So say I also, Mahbub. The colt will be entered for polo only. The dealer saluted, horseman-fashion, with a sweep of the off hand.

Here, too, still later, General Vallejo built a fort, which still stands one of the finest examples of Spanish adobe that remain to us. And here, at the old fort, to bring the chronicle up to date, our horses proceeded to make peculiarly personal history with astonishing success and dispatch. King, our peerless, polo-pony leader, went lame.

Gray, bare of arm to the shoulder, booted and bare-headed, loped across the grass on his polo-pony, mallet at salute. Then he leaned down from his saddle and greeted Hamil with unspoiled enthusiasm. "Shiela is practising and wants you to come over when you can and see us knock the ball about. It's a rotten field, but you can't help that down here."

She watched them ride away together at length at a walking pace, Noel on his tall Waler leading the polo-pony, from whose back Peggy waved her an ardent farewell; and finally went back to her guest feeling reassured. Noel evidently had no intention of taking any risks with Peggy in his charge. "It's very good of him," she remarked, as she sat down again on the verandah.

"The Sahib would entertain none such," the chowkidar answered with a grave salaam. "Damn the thing!" Barlow groaned. An hour later Barlow, mounted on a stalky Cabuli polo-pony, rode to the Residency, happy over the papers in his pocket, but troubling over how he could explain their possession and keep the girl out of it.

Ever since he had drifted into India on a troop-ship, taken, with an old rifle, as part payment for a racing debt, The Maltese Cat had played and preached polo to the Skidars' team on the Skidars' stony pologround. Now a polo-pony is like a poet. If he is born with a love for the game, he can be made.

Not many youths occurred, for nearly all it was the Monday of Eights Week were down by the river, cheering the crews. There did, however, come spurring by, on a polo-pony, a very splendid youth. His straw hat was encircled with a riband of blue and white, and he raised it to the Warden. "That," said the Warden, "is the Duke of Dorset, a member of my College. He dines at my table to-night."

The blood polo-pony under the elms, with the little group of coachmen and grooms gathered in an admiring circle round him, was his: and those who had seen Mat drive on to the course in the morning knew that the young man had ridden over the Downs from Putnam's with him. Boy took her place at the ropes. The young man found himself standing at her side. He did not watch the race.

But thou didst write "bay mare" to me. 'Who cares to tell truth to a letter-writer? Kim answered, feeling Mahbub's palm on his heart. 'Hi! Mahbub, you old villain, pull up! cried a voice, and an Englishman raced alongside on a little polo-pony. 'I've been chasing you half over the country. That Kabuli of yours can go. For sale, I suppose?

At certain times they need salt, and if that salt is not in the mangers they will lick it up from the earth. He has gone back to the Road again for a while. The madrissak wearied him. I knew it would. Another time, I will take him upon the Road myself. Do not be troubled, Creighton Sahib. It is as though a polo-pony, breaking loose, ran out to learn the game alone.