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Lady Bassett had gone to a polo-match, she knew, and she luxuriated in undisturbed solitude. It lay all about her like a spell of enchantment. With her cheek pillowed on her hand she presently floated into serene slumber. It was like drifting down a tidal river into a summer sea.... Her awakening was abrupt, almost startling.

Raleigh stood, surrounded by the usual crowd of subalterns, muttered an excuse, and left her there. It was nearly a week later that Audrey, riding home alone in a rickshaw from a polo-match, was overtaken by young Gerald Devereux, a subaltern, who was tearing along on foot as if on some urgent errand. Recognising her, he reduced his speed and dropped into a jog-trot by her side.

Without an effort he conversed with Nick on the chances of the forthcoming polo-match. When Olga came along the verandah a minute later he stepped out and joined her with a smile. They passed side by side down the winding path that led to the cypress walk. Olga's face was pale. She looked very full of resolution. "I am quite sure you know what I am going to say," she said very quietly at length.

The State was still somewhat unsettled, there had been one or two outrages of late, nothing serious, of course, but the native element was restless, and he fancied Lady Bassett was nervous. She was away at a polo-match when they arrived, and Muriel profited by her absence and went straight to bed.

Simon, too, had developed quite a literary talent under the pressure of so much vivid new life, and from his cheery letters she learned much that was not in the papers, especially in those tense days when the C.I.V.'S did at last get to the front and remained there: tales of horses mercifully shot, and sheep mercilessly poisoned, and oxen dropping dead as they dragged the convoys; tales of muddle and accident, tales of British soldiers slain by their own protective cannon as they lay behind ant-heaps facing the enemy, and British officers culled under the very eyes of the polo-match; tales of hospital and camp, of shirts turned sable and putties worn to rags, and all the hidden miseries of uncleanliness and insanitation that underlie the glories of war.

And I may call you Britt or Old Boy or Old Top, just as Clyde does?" He looked at her amazed. She was prettier, undeniably so. She had learned the art of being a woman, and she gave him her hand as though she had granted a favor. "Yes," he said shortly, freezing all at once. "Where's Clyde?" "He had to play in a polo-match. He's just home taking a tub," she said easily.

The first time I ever saw Peter Flower was at Ranelagh, where he had taken my sister Charty Ribblesdale to watch a polo-match. They were sitting together at an iron table, under a cedar tree, eating ices. I was wearing a grey muslin dress with a black sash and a black hat, with coral beads round my throat, and heard him say as I came up to them: "Nineteen? Not possible! I should have said fifteen!

Providence, it would seem, has run short of the commodity, and deals out only a few among a number of persons. Amid the whirl of rout, and ball, and picnic, race-meeting, polo-match, and what-not, Paul Howard Alexis stalked misunderstood, distrusted; an object of ridicule to some, of pity to others, of impatience to all.

Like I told Roody this morning, she's bringing a title into the family, but she's taking a big wad of the Meyerburg money out of the country too." "It is so, ain't it?" Around her crowded Mrs. Meyerburg's five sons. "Come with us, ma. We got a children's party up in the ballroom for Aileen this afternoon, and then Trixie and I are going to motor down to Sheepshead for the indoor polo-match.