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This free and easy method, tolerable in sparsely settled pioneer districts, failed miserably in the cities. It was necessary to pass rigorous laws against vote buying and selling, and to clear the polling-place of all partizan soliciting.

Bacon growled as he rode: "I'm agin you fellers, but by God! I b'lieve in a square game. If I kin git my paw on that houn'" They rode furiously in the hope of overtaking him before he reached the next polling-place. Milton was in the lead on his gray colt, a magnificent creature. He was light and a fine rider, and forged ahead of the elder men.

And it would be well indeed for civilization and the interests of the race if woman suffrage meant no more than going to the polling-place and polling which clearly is all that it has been thought out to mean by the headless horsemen spurring their new hobbies bravely at the tail of the procession.

There was only one polling-place for the district, and an election was rarely held without an election row. It seems impossible that it is of Canada one reads: 'A number of shanty-men having no votes were hired by Mr Baldwin's party to create a disturbance. They did so and ill-treated Mr Murney's supporters. The latter, however, rallied and drove their dastardly assailants from the field.

A dozen ruffians at a single polling-place would prevent a single woman from depositing a single vote. There can be no doubt that this means would be used by the rougher element and that the polls would become a scene of preordained riot and disorder."

On election day it seemed as if the heavens had opened to pour floods upon us. Never before or since have I seen such incessant, relentless rain. Nevertheless, the women of Portland turned out in force, led by Mrs. Sarah Evans, president of the Oregon State Federation of Women's Clubs, while all day long Dr. Pohl took me in her automobile from one polling-place to another.

It has also been demonstrated a thousand times over that women do not incite the lawless element to riot about the polls; but that, instead, their presence tends to remove the polling-place from the saloon and make it safer for men to go there on election-day.

Two women had been admitted to every polling-place but the way in which we had been able to secure their presence throws a high-light on the difficulties we were meeting.

Dam yeh y' want 'o kill me?" "Got 'nough?" "Yes, yes! My God, yes!" "Climb onto that horse there." He climbed upon his horse, and with Bacon leading it, rode back along the road he had come, covered with blood. "Now I want you to say with y'r own tongue ye lied," Bacon said, as they came to the last polling-place he had passed. The crowd came rushing out with excited questions.

But Harley thought that he spoke in metaphorical allusion to the present more important contest. "True, my Audley, you and I together when did we ever lose? But will you rise? I wish you would be at the polling-place to shake hands with your voters as they come up. By four o'clock you will be released, and the election won." "The election! How! what!" said Egerton, recovering himself.