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Thus to the four chief actors in the politico-religious drama, soon to be enacted as an interlude to an eighty years' war, were assigned parts at first sight inconsistent with their private convictions.

With the explanation that the fourth beast signified the fourth kingdom, it is impossible to evade the conclusion that the politico-religious power symbolized by the little horn that came up among the ten horns refers directly to the papacy. There is no other object that can fulfil the prophecy.

Rancour between the Politico-Religious Parties Spanish Intrigues Inconsistency of James Brewster and Robinson's Congregation at Leyden They decide to leave for America Robinson's Farewell Sermon and Prayer at Parting. During this dark and mournful winter the internal dissensions and, as a matter of course, the foreign intrigues had become more dangerous than ever.

Being drawn from two departments human life and animal life this double-symbol directs us to a politico-religious system that came up among the ten horns that grew out of the old Roman empire. We instantly identify it with the growing Papacy, which arose to a position of great authority in conjunction with the new Roman empire.

For the Ikhwan movement, see P. W. Harrison, "The Situation in Arabia," Atlantic Monthly, December, 1920; S. Mylrea, "The Politico-Religious Situation in Arabia," The Moslem World, July, 1919. For the Salafî movement, see "Wahhabisme Son Avenir sociale et le Mouvement salafî," Revue du Monde musulman, 1919. The influence of the West is the great dynamic in the modern transformation of the East.

The political or politico-religious odes were the offspring of youthful democratic enthusiasm; the supernatural poems, so to call them for want of a better name, had their origin in an almost equally youthful and more than equally transitory passion for the wild and wondrous. Political disillusion is fatal to the one impulse, and mere advance in years extinguishes the other.

On the other hand, not only were the various politico-religious forces of France kept in equilibrium by their action upon each other so that it was reasonable to believe that the House of Valois, however Catholic itself, would be always compelled by the fast-expanding strength of French Calvinism, to observe faithfully a compact to tolerate the Netherland churches but, upon the death of Henry III. the crown would be legitimately placed upon the head of the great champion and chief of the Huguenots, Henry of Navarre.

Rancour between the Politico-Religious Parties Spanish Intrigues Inconsistency of James Brewster and Robinson's Congregation at Leyden They decide to leave for America Robinson's Farewell Sermon and Prayer at Parting. During this dark and mournful winter the internal dissensions and, as a matter of course, the foreign intrigues had become more dangerous than ever.

Priests and parsons, laymen and lawyers, took part in this general politico-religious controversy, in which every possible subject of difference between Catholic and Protestant was publicly discussed. Archbishop Magee of Dublin, the Rev. Sir Harcourt Lees, son of a former English placeman at the Castle, and the Rev. Mr.

His policy embraced three great objects: First, the overthrow of the Huguenot power; secondly, the subjugation of the great nobles; thirdly, the destruction of the undue might of Austria. First, then, after some preliminary negotiations with foreign powers, to be studied hereafter, he attacked the great politico-religious party of the Huguenots.