United States or Eswatini ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Our big meetin' came off the other night, and our old friend of the "Bugle" was elected Cheerman. The "Bugle-Horn of Liberty" is one of Baldinsville's most eminentest institootions. The advertisements are well- written, and the deaths and marriages are conducted with signal ability. The editor, MR. SLINKERS, is a polish'd, skarcastic writer.

Retreat, then, man of the polish'd soul, from those irritable complaints against your lot-those longings for wealth and puerile distinction, not worthy your class. Do justice, philosopher, to your own powers.

I dare not advance my opinion against the judgment of so great an author; but I think it fair, however, to leave the decision to the public: Mr. Cowley was too modest to set up for a dictator; and being shock'd perhaps with his old style, never examin'd into the depth of his good sense. Chaucer, I confess, is a rough diamond, and must first be polish'd, ere he shines.

Secondly, That taking two pieces of Plain and Polish'd Surfaces, and casting on them Successively the Beams of the Same Candle, In such manner, as that the Neighbouring Superficies being Shaded by an Opacous and Perforated Body, the Incident Beams were permitted to pass but through a Round Hole of about Half an Inch Diameter, the Circle of Light that appear'd on the White Marble was in Comparison very Bright, but very ill Defin'd; whereas that on the Black Marble was far less Luminous, but much more precisely Defin'd.

He steals the snow from polish'd brow, From soft bewitching eyes the blue, From smiling lips their ruby glow, From velvet cheeks their rosy hue. "Oh, who shall check the spoiler's power? 'Tis more than conquering love may dare; He flutters round youth's summer bower, And reigns o'er hearts like summer fair.

Know'd she would when I'd polish'd t'other un off a bit; know'd she would. 'Has she written to you, then? 'Well, squoire, she ain't; not just herself. I do suppose that isn't the way they does it. But it's all as one. And then Mr Crumb thrust Mrs Hurtle's note into Roger Carbury's hand. Roger certainly was not predisposed to think well or kindly of Mrs Hurtle.

And on this Occasion we may as well in Reference to something formerly deliver'd concerning Whiteness, as in Reference to what has been newly said, Subjoyn what we further observ'd touching the Differing Reflections of Light from White and Black Marble, namely, that having taking a pretty Large Mortar of White Marble, New and Polish'd in the Inside, and Expos'd it to the Sun, we found that it Reflected a great deal of Glaring Light, but so Dispers'd, that we could not make the Reflected Beams concurr in any such Conspicuous Focus, as that newly taken notice of in the Black Marble, though perhaps there may enough of them be made to meet near the Bottom, to make some Kind of Focus, especially since by holding in the Night-time a Candle at a convenient Distance, we were able to procure a Concourse of some, though not many of the Reflected Beams, at about two Inches distant from the Bottom of the Mortar: But we found the Heat even of the Sunbeams so Dispersedly Reflected to be very Languid, even in Comparison of the Black Marbles Focus.

Always precious, such men; as precious now as any time. His rude, rasping, taunting, contradictory tones what ones are more wanted amid the supple, polish'd, money worshipping, Jesus-and-Judas-equalizing, suffrage-sovereignty echoes of current America?

Let us diversify the matter a little by portraying some of the American poets from our own point of view. Longfellow, reminiscent, polish'd, elegant, with the air of finest conventional library, picture-gallery or parlor, with ladies and gentlemen in them, and plush and rosewood, and ground-glass lamps, and mahogany and ebony furniture, and a silver inkstand and scented satin paper to write on.

In the City of Ferara, 'tis reported, there some time since liv'd two Damsels who were of reputable Descent, and their Education was equal to that of the greatest Quality in the Territories of Italy; the Name of one of them was Theodora, and of the other Amaryllis: Theodora was the Daughter of an eminent Courtier, and in her Person most beautiful; her Shape was form'd according to the nicest Rules of Symetry; her Waste was slender, her Breasts were full and round, and for Whiteness equall'd the falling Snow; her Face was exactly compos'd, the Features strong and yet beautiful; her Cheeks more lively than the Rose and Lilly; her Eyes sparkled beyond the most shining Planets; her Teeth excell'd the best polish'd Ivory; soft as Velvet were her Lips, and redder than Vermillion; her Hand and Arm more white than Milk; her Feet small, and her Gate stately, and on her Shoulders were display'd her auborn Tresses, hanging in Ringlets to her Waste; in short, every Part that was visible invited to hidden Charms; her Looks were languishing, and her Eye-Balls large, which, perpetually rowling, cast a thousand Darts at all Beholders.