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My passport would be no good, for the number of that pass would long ere this have been wired to every police-station in Germany, and to produce it would be to ask for trouble. Without it I could not cross the borders by any railway. My studies of the Tourists' Guide had suggested that once I was in Austria I might find things slacker and move about easier.

He was dressed in gorgeous array, but his face was livid, his eyes wild, and his lips kept moving convulsively, for he was a victim to a novel sensation the pangs of remorse and was meditating whether he should not go to the nearest police-station and give himself up, so that he might revenge himself on Tantaine, who had made him a murderer.

The roughs ran out of the saloon and beat him very badly, breaking his arm: this brought him to the police-station, and thence to the hospital. For months every effort was made to identify him, but at the date of reporting without avail. He was known in the hospital as "Ralph," that name having been found on his underclothing.

As long as he was within sight of the police-station windows he kept up the same gentle pace but as soon as he had turned the first corner his steps were quickened, and he made for a spot to which Melky had expected him to make a cab-rank, on which two or three taxi-cabs were drawn up.

It was blazing hot outside and smothering hot inside the weather-board and iron shanty at Dead Dingo, a place on the Cleared Road, where there was a pub. and a police-station, and which was sometimes called 'Roasted', and other times 'Potted Dingo' nicknames suggested by the everlasting drought and the vicinity of the one-pub. township of Tinned Dog.

"I think," said he, "that in real life the woman would express herself in those words or in very similar ones." "Not in a six hundred nights' run anywhere but on the stage," said Dawe hotly. "I'll tell you what she'd say in real life. She'd say: 'What! Bessie led away by a strange man? Good Lord! It's one trouble after another! Get my other hat, I must hurry around to the police-station.

But in that case, how far am I answerable both for his death and for any other mishap which may occur? Surely with the knowledge I already possess it must be my duty to see that something is done, or if necessary to do it myself. It must be the latter, for this morning I went down to the local police-station and told my story.

At ten o'clock Superintendent Polke, bluff and cheery as usual, and Detective-Sergeant Starmidge, eyeing his new surroundings with appreciative curiosity, strolled round the corner from the police-station and approached the bank. Half a dozen loungers were gathered before the window, reading the poster; the two police officials joined them and also read in silence.

With that, the General dragged Harry from the apartment, and hurried him down-stairs and along the street to the police-station of the district. But to the unfortunate secretary the whole affair was the beginning of a new and manlier life.

Between the two townships a park has been reserved, though not yet enclosed; the timber in it, which is large consisting principally of white gum and stringy bark is not allowed to be cut or injured. There are several good inns, a court-house, police-station, and corporation offices.